Tucker investigates why ‘DOJ is pursuing Julian Assange aggressively’ – IOTW Report

Tucker investigates why ‘DOJ is pursuing Julian Assange aggressively’

Julian Assange’s lawyer says the Wikileaks founder could face 175 years in prison if he’s extradited to the U.S., where he faces espionage charges; Glenn Greenwald, founder of The Intercept, joins Tucker Carlson on ‘Tucker Carlson Tonight.’

11 Comments on Tucker investigates why ‘DOJ is pursuing Julian Assange aggressively’

  1. Some think Assange is the link or linchpin to the Deep State Swamp. Him along with Snowden.

    Some also think the DOJ is a mosquito infected place all of it’s self.

    Not going there with the IBF or AIC…oh What Chuck Schumer said, yeah that’s what he said:


    I’m inlcined to pardon at this point, like the day AFTER the election day.

    Open the gates and release the hounds.

    Especially if those bastards EVEN try to steal it!

  2. You don’t suppose that it’s because Assange can prove that the Russians didn’t hack the DNC email which is the foundation for every bogus investigation targeting candidate and subsequently President Trump, his campaign, his administration, and his family? Ya think maybe that’s why?

  3. I guarantee you the DNC does not want to see Assange under oath in the witness stand. The Seth Rich story, if brought out in an honest, factual manner would cause big problems. I can’t believe all the outrageous crimes the deep state is getting away with!

  4. What I don’t get is why these people who supposedly have TONS of damaging emails, files, whatever, don’t strike back when threatened and dump a couple of really damaging pieces into the public sphere, as a warning that the rest will follow shortly if anything keeps happening to them. The deep state is afraid of this stuff coming out, but the only way to neuter them is to have the stuff come out. I have heard for years about what Assange has, but I see so little of it. What am I missing?

  5. @Uncle Al ~ No! I don’t think anyone (at least anyone that’s paying the slightest attention) believe the Ruskies hacked the DNC Server, or any other of that hogwash that the DNC & their enablers, the Media are peddling

    at this point, EVERYONE knows this is a farce perpetuated by the Clintons & the Obama administration … this is an open war against the US form of government, plain & simple … it’s all out in the open now. they don’t fear the repercussions. they admit they’re trying to steal the election, why would they give 2 shits about Assange, whom they’ve already shown to be a unbathed crackpot.

    they think they have enough support (in $$$ & useful idiots) to turn this & are going ‘balls-to-the-wall’ full tilt boogie now!

    hell, they’ve go about a third of the repub Senate on their side already!

  6. It’s hard to believe that he has much damaging info he’s holding back. To go through all he has and not use it by now seems illogical.
    So far it’s been nothing but speculation and rumors, if Assange has a dead hand switch he’s holding over his tormentors then why hasn’t he deployed it?
    I suspect that a comparison between him and Roger Stone is fitting, A whole lot of talk and bluster and very little actual substance.
    He should be released, he’s suffered enough for causing embarrassment to the thugs in government.

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