Gov. Newsom Backs Prop. 15 ‘Split Roll’ Property Tax Increase on Business – IOTW Report

Gov. Newsom Backs Prop. 15 ‘Split Roll’ Property Tax Increase on Business

California Globe-

On Friday, Governor Gavin Newsom threw his support behind Proposition 15, which would change how both commercial and industrial properties are taxed, leading to immediate outcry from businesses, industry leaders, and tax groups across the state.

Prop 15 would amend the constitution and change the current tax law, which has been in place since 1978. Prop 15 would have commercial and industrial properties be taxed based on market value rather than the current method of taxing the purchased price with annual increases of 2% or the rate of inflation, whichever is lower. Under a ‘split roll system’, taxes would be assessed on commercial and industrial properties by market value, with residential properties still being assessed by purchase price.

Prop 15 would exempt commercial agriculture properties and on properties owned by business owners with less than $3 million or less in holdings in the state. Under Prop 15 they would still be assessed by purchase price. If passed, the new tax policy would be phased in during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, with commercial properties that have numerous small businesses not being taxed by market value starting in 2026 or later.

Proposition 13, the 1978 proposition that set up the current system in California, would be subsequently overturned.


h/t catch a case

13 Comments on Gov. Newsom Backs Prop. 15 ‘Split Roll’ Property Tax Increase on Business

  1. Proposition 15 will pass. Wrenching the bolts off the brain of your average leftist voter in the state (those clearly in the majority) reveals 2 things; an obstinate willingness to vote for higher taxes given the chance (stemmed from a false belief that those with money somehow disadvantaged a poorer person to obtain those ill-gotten gains), and a belief that you can never throw enough money into education (it matters not that California ranks among the worst schools in the country and that most of the increased monies go to fat stupid socialist bureaucrats in school administration).

    There is nothing more frustrating than election after election after election voting a certain way on all the propositions than waiting for the results, only to find every single tax hike you voted against, passsed.

  2. so I get it now, Governor Hitler forces everyone to work from home, locks the state down with a metric to reopen that simply can not be met then Prop 15 passes so he declares all homes as commercial property and then the State magically has enough money to pay for the unfunded insane UNION retirement packages!

  3. Here’s something i commented about back during the lockdown.

    Demorat judges stop everything trump does before it can happen.

    i predicted that judges would start ruling the shutdowns were against the law—but only AFTER they were over. That’s the way it rolls in this country. NOBODY sticks up for us.

    Federal judge rules Gov. Wolf’s
    shutdown orders were unconstitutional
    Tribune Review, by Paula Reed Ward Original Article
    Posted by batman — 9/14/2020 2:18:11 PM Post Reply
    A federal judge in Pittsburgh on Monday found that orders issued by Gov. Tom Wolf restricting the size of gatherings and closing non-essential businesses to protect against the spread of covid-19 were unconstitutional. U.S. District Judge William S. Stickman IV wrote in his 66-page opinion that even though the actions taken in the spring by Wolf and Health Secretary Dr. Rachel Levine were laudable, they violated the First Amendment right to freedom of assembly, and the Due Process and Equal Protection clauses of the 14th Amendment.

  4. I’d like to read that bill, and its clauses.
    ‘never waste a crisis’
    I wouldn’t be surprised to find a clause that exempts new owners of properties from the higher taxes for a number of years.
    Here’s how it would work: Yell ‘covid,’ loudly. Shut businesses down. Raise taxes on the businesses. Business goes out of business, sells resources to pay owed, higher taxes. Property purchased by ‘new’ owner with tax exemption. New business flourishes, due to no competition. When tax exemption is due to expire, sell property at inflated price. Laugh, maniacally. Repeat.
    US dollars to donuts- there’s something like that going on. Lyin’ lawyers will pull it out of there.
    pelosi newsom politics. Same ‘family’
    now tell me it is ‘for the children’

  5. They have all mail in voting. They will be able to fake up whatever votes they need. California is no longer governed as a republic, rather as a banana republic. And it will always be so, short of an actual revolution.

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