Bullying Tactics of Antifa and BLM will Backfire – IOTW Report

Bullying Tactics of Antifa and BLM will Backfire

Antifa and BLM are trying to bully Democrat voters into voting Biden. They’re only creating more Trump voters.

15 Comments on Bullying Tactics of Antifa and BLM will Backfire

  1. “Bullying Tactics of Antifa and BLM will Backfire”

    …sure, eventually, but going by Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, and China from Mao until today, they only backfire after a long and a LOT of external support…

  2. The msm is hellbent on deflecting and denying the obvious about antifa and the fires. Even their ‘partners’ at the fbi are in on it.

    Headlines abound about how it’s a vicious conspiracy theory to claim antifa is setting fires in the west. The FBI ‘says so’.

    Numerous antifa goods announcing they r gonna ‘burn the system down’ and numerous incidents of them with molotov cocktails isn’t evidence of it being an antifa caper when an arsonist who has set seven of the fires and is caught with a molotov cocktail is aprehended. The msm claims it is ‘unclear if he is affiliated with any groups.’

    Think back to anytime someone shoots someone and has a confederate flag. Is it ‘unclear’ to them who the guy is affiliated with?
    Remember the New Zealand shooter who shot someone because of immigration and he was also pissed about the ‘destruction of the enviornment’? He was evidence that all white supremecits are dangerous and want to kill people.

    The media hates you, they want you eliminated, and they’ll stop at nothing to accomplish it. Lying is their stock in trade.

  3. This is classic malignant narcissistic behavior on the part of the democrats, who have been taken over in totality by malignant narcissists. MNs are bullies. They’re accustomed by being surrounded by enablers who are compliant with their bullying mentality. They have no clue what to do with the kind of people who punch back harder; so they pretend those people don’t exist. That’s why MNs are always shocked and surprised when the world tells them to go fuck themselves.

  4. The Dems own those people like it or not, they will vote for Biden. If they didn’t like what they were doing they would have said so, instead they embraced and encouraged their actions. The rioters are on a destruction high and can’t be controlled. The country is in for sad days ahead if they get elected.

  5. I got a mail in voting card in the mail, I tossed it. Whats to keep them from filling out a blank one with my name and with their choices. I’m going in person, a lack of trust in our failing system.

  6. Whoever is bankrolling the riots must not be polling the reaction. Too bad for them. They could have saved some money and possibly legal troubles. Speaking of throwing good money after bad, I hear Bloomberg is backing Biden to the tune of $100,000,000. Going to be a hard Winter after all the leftist Sugar Daddy money dries up on 11/4. And all the firewood is burned up, too.

    But you leftist losers in the streets, huddled around the dying embers of your mostly peaceful protests, can take some cold comfort in knowing that the fatcat leftist lawfare lawyers will be fighting it out, courtroom to courtroom, for weeks, possibly days, until Steiner’s division delivers the mail-in votes.

  7. The great swath of “gee, I jus can’t make up my mind” voters who pay no attention, whatsoever, to anything other than what’s happening inside their particular bubble, are the ones the totalitarians are trying to intimidate. Most of these people are intimidated by physical proximity to violence – hence, the Fascists of BLM and ANTIFA are seeking to expand the extent of their violence, rioting, burning, looting, noise-making, and their generally annoying presence – the suburbs, for instance. But they daren’t go into places which contain enough Americans who will kill them – which seems to be pretty much why they predominantly infest urban shit-holes of known shit-hole-ness.

    Bullies tend to bully those amenable to being bullied.
    Rarely will they attempt to bully someone they KNOW will knock their teeth out.

    One of the reasons ALL totalitarians insist on “gun” control.

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. We had a Trump train in our small TX hill country town this weekend and there was at least 150 to maybe 180 cars. It was so fun and frankly the most fun was getting violently flipped off by lunatic leftists. Overall of the people that reacted I’d say it was 70/30 positive. Of course the angry lefties in town want to ban these events because everyone honked their horns and they’ve been ranting online about all the thugs with flags. First time we’ve been referred to as thugs. You’d think we had looted the town instead of driving around waving at people for an hour.

  9. Of course it will. It already has and now they’re setting the stage for a civil war by saying the only way Trump wins is by cheating or fraud when they are the biggest perpetrators of such. This is why the massive gun purchase run. Everyone knows what’s coming.

  10. The question is – Will the backfire (if it happens) be large enough to overcome massive vote fraud?

    The demonrats have already indicated they will not concede defeat no matter what happens election day. Which I believe will include a large landslide Trump vote count victory.


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