Treasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’ – IOTW Report

Treasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’

Just The News-

A Treasury Department agency that polices financial threats such as money laundering flagged several foreign transactions to Hunter Biden-connected businesses as “suspicious” during the end of the Obama administration and the beginning of the Trump administration.

The concerns from the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) were highlighted in Suspicious Activity Reports turned over to Senate committees over the last year in conjunction with investigations into the Russia and Ukraine scandals, according to several officials familiar with the evidence.

As those Senate investigations wind toward the issuance of their first official report later this month, an essential question has emerged: Did U.S. law enforcement or intelligence agencies do anything to determine if the money flowing to Vice President Joe Biden’s son posed any criminal or intelligence threats? Officials at Treasury, FBI and the Office of Director of National Intelligence declined comment. more

4 Comments on Treasury flagged foreign money flowing to Hunter Biden-tied firms as ‘suspicious’

  1. Jackass Joe is probably wondering why he is the target of all this since Hillary was allowed to get away with siphoning off millions of dollars!
    Because yer STUPID Joe!!
    Yer SLOW Joe.
    You can’t even get our of your own way Joe!
    Now I’m not saying that what Hillary along with her criminal business partner (that she refers to as a “husband”) did was OK, far from it, I’m just saying that they are 100 times more slicker and slippery than Jackass Joe will ever be!


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