Employees Sue Kroger After They Were Allegedly Fired For Refusing To Wear Rainbow Symbol, Citing Religious Objections – IOTW Report

Employees Sue Kroger After They Were Allegedly Fired For Refusing To Wear Rainbow Symbol, Citing Religious Objections

The complaint also alleges that Kroger didn’t fire other employees who refused to wear the apron but did not say it was due to religious beliefs. The women are asking the grocery chain to reform its policies and pay the women for “emotional pain and suffering, humiliation, inconvenience, and loss of enjoyment of life,” as well as other damages.


22 Comments on Employees Sue Kroger After They Were Allegedly Fired For Refusing To Wear Rainbow Symbol, Citing Religious Objections

  1. What the hell is going on, when a frickin grocery store wants to force feed you political correctness, while serving customer’s. Did they bother to think that maybe the customer’s might be offended too? I’m surprised they aren’t forced to wear rainbow masks. 😷

  2. …Krogers also hires lots of literally mentally challenged people to bag groceries, and THAT’S real fair to force THEM to dress to support an agenda they don’t even UNDERSTAND, let alone AGREE with…

  3. … again,, why can’t businesses just fly the plane, play the game, and sell me the fucking groceries?!?

    You know, what I came IN for?

    …if I want an eyeful of political blatherskate, I’ll turn on the TV to ANY channel and get PLENTY, so I don’t need or WANT to be forced to think about two dudes butt-fucking each other with my steak and cereal purchases, thank you very much…

  4. …and I went on a rant about uniforms on the American Airlines thread so I won’t repeat, but suffice to say that I’ve worn uniforms of one kind or another my entire adult life, and from the apron of a dishwasher to the dress blues of a firefighter to the cottons of an electrician, and NONE of those had ANYTHING other than the logos of the institution I was representing at the time, because the ONLY messages my outfits were SUPPOSED to convey was “Hello, I am a professional representative of this organization and my job is this particular thing, how may I serve you?

    …and the ONLY pins I ever wore on them were name tags and a badge on one of them.

    …there’s PLENTY of papers in the checkout lane just BURSTING with males metaphorically squirting semen at each other over HERE, while Black people raise angry fists at me while kneeling over THERE.

    I don’t need the dude ringing me UP unwillingly even unconsciously, shilling for them as well.

    Just sell me the damn groceries and try to keep your shelves stocked like you’re NOT now, and you’ll find THOSE tasks will more than fill your day enough that you’ll be too tired to whip out your rainbows at md on the way out…

  5. …also, where’s the UFCW in all this, the union that SUPPOSEDLY represents most Kroger workers these days? Out having their Obama shirts pressed for the next election?

    That’s one reason I don’t like unions. They only represent the employees who PAY them for the privilege when the employees’ politics align with their OWN…

  6. SNS, I wore the Bell. I put it on all of my tool boxes — it was on my helmet and my truck. My job was to repair telephones. My job was to install telephones. My job was, later, was to program, install, and repair telephones. And all the other shit that wasn’t a telephone. Carriers, shit, and other stuff.

    I’m proud of my Bell tie tack, and I’m proud of my Bell belt buckle, and I’m proud of my Bell helmet.

    All we were supposed to do was serve. We didn’t have rainbows. We made shit work.

  7. “Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.”
    Leviticus 18:22

    “9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

    10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.”
    1 Corinthians 6:9-10

    “9 Knowing this, that the law is not made for a righteous man, but for the lawless and disobedient, for the ungodly and for sinners, for unholy and profane, for murderers of fathers and murderers of mothers, for manslayers,

    10 For whoremongers, for them that defile themselves with mankind, for menstealers, for liars, for perjured persons, and if there be any other thing that is contrary to sound doctrine;”
    1 Timothy 1:9-10

    “26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:

    27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”
    Romans 1:26-27

    …doesn’t sound like God’s much of a rainbow fan, so seems like those who would follow him are right not to be, as well…

  8. Brad
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 AT 12:28 AM
    ““also, where’s the UFCW ”

    WTF does this have to do with fake wrestling? SNS, takes breath.”

    …United Food and Commercial Workers. They rep most Kroger employees nationwide. They tried to take over my food plant too, standing out in the driveway in their Obama T-shirts, but between the foreigners who didn’t know WTF they were and the fact the Company would shut down in that location the instant they were unionized, along with the large number of ex-Union guys we had who all lost their jobs elsewhere because of Unions, they were not successful…

  9. Erik
    SEPTEMBER 20, 2020 AT 12:14 AM
    “SNS, I wore the Bell. I put it on all of my tool boxes — it was on my helmet and my truck.”

    …exactly, I was there to do a specific job and I was proud to be a part of a larger, sometimes multinational, organization while doing it, and to identify as a member of their team.

    Even if the uniforms were sometimes tacky (when I was a mechanic at Sears) and if they were sometimes childish about their logos (like when they tried to make us cover up the logos on all the non-Craftman toolboxes in the shop).

    Funny story about the Sears uniform at the time, was that it showed me what kind of stupid shit law enforcement had to put up with.

    No, really.

    I was working in a large, detached Sears garage nearing Christmas one year, wearing this fairly tacky uniform of a dark blue shirt and pants, except the shirts had these weird, large diagonal stripes on one side only of clashing colors that could not be mistaken for any sort of municipal uniform at 50 paces. Thing is, I was in my privately owned vehicle at the time, a full-dress 1980 Buick Electra Limited, a large, heavy (6000 pound) squarish car that looked a bit like the Police cruisers of the day except for the 2 large doors instead of the 4 small doors a cruiser would have (be funny asking a perp to fold down the front seat to get in the back), that was a little old and a bit rusty, had no logos on the door because it was MY car, but I DID have a Code 3 light bar with wigwags at the front corners, alley lights, takedown lights, and flashers on the back so I could respond when available as I was running fire at the time too, and apparently that was enough to confuse a dude.

    See, this guy had evidently had an issue at a nearby entrance to the mall (I used to go to that corner of the garage inside and watch the fender-benders outside during the Christmas season when people were buying Cabbage Patch Kids and not tires, because the wrecks were ubiquitous), and he thought I was a lazy cop because he came over to my car, knocked on my window (I went to my car for breaks sometimes to have a smoke and listen to the radio), and proceeded to dress me down for not directing traffic at the intersection. Well, I stood my 6’1″ ass up from the car, fully displayed my derfy uniform with its prominent SEARS logo, and explained to the guy that Sears had very few traffic cops, if any, working for them, and that as far as the lights went, I wasn’t currently even in the same city as the one I ran Squad in, and even if I WERE, the ACTUAL Police would take a dim view of me taking manual control of an intersection where there was no emergency just so dude could get to the toy store faster because U WAS NOT A COP.

    …well, he huffed and puffed a but, shot something at me about manners, then got back in his bourgie mobile and back to the grasping touch of his apparently rapacious family.

    I did gain a new respect for LEO that day, because if I WERE one, and had a gun, I would have happily shot him. Maybe not a kill shot, but enough of a wing to make him maybe not be a Christmas Dick again later.

    Uniforms can be informative, but the information can also be ignored…

  10. Kind of interesting/ironic isn’t it? The sex pervs have chosen the rainbow as their symbol. Yet in the OT, post Noah’s flood, the rainbow was placed in the sky to symbolize that God would never again destroy the earth due to man’s wickedness, for man’s sake. (well, not by water, which, uh oh, leaves many other options).

    Kroger’s appears to have taken the same fork in the road pro sports teams chose earlier, they’re just not yet as far down the road.

  11. The lawsuit will easily go in favour of the employees. They will get some compensation.

    These stores “go Woke” for the free advertising on the 5, 7 & 11 0’clock news. That is the real reason they do it. Short Term Free publicity.

    The only recourse is for to boycot the stores as much as possible. (2nd week of riding with the family & skipping NFL)
    (1st year skipping NHL)
    (25th year skipping the MLB)
    (35th year skipping NBA)


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