Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science – IOTW Report

Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science

WUWT: Despite climate change being most obvious to people as unseasonably warm winter days or melting glaciers, as much as 95 percent of the extra heat trapped on Earth by greenhouse gases is held in the world’s oceans. For that reason, monitoring the temperature of ocean waters has been a priority for climate scientists, and now Caltech researchers have discovered that seismic rumblings on the seafloor can provide them with another tool for doing that.

In a new paper publishing in Science, the researchers show how they are able to make use of existing seismic monitoring equipment, as well as historic seismic data, to determine how much the temperature of the earth’s oceans has changed and continues changing, even at depths that are normally out of the reach of conventional tools.

They do this by listening for the sounds from the many earthquakes that regularly occur under the ocean, says Jörn Callies, assistant professor of environmental science and engineering at Caltech and study co-author. Callies says these earthquake sounds are powerful and travel long distances through the ocean without significantly weakening, which makes them easy to monitor. more

11 Comments on Undersea earthquakes shake up climate science

  1. The evidence that the catastrophic forest fires are being set by arsonists should be enough to convince most reasonable thinking people that the Left will say and do anything to use “Climate Change” as a weapon! Additionally, it should also hammer home any doubts about their credibility regarding anything else! Hell, even Karl Childers can see that the whole damn thing is nothing more than a “green” money grab and an extension of the absolute hatred for Western civilization!

  2. Interesting combination of undersea earthquakes, and GW.

    In Michael Crichton’s book, “State of Fear”. The Environmental Liberation Front (ELF) attempts to create “natural” disasters to convince the public of the dangers of global warming.

    Caring not about how many people are killed by their manufactured “natural” disaster. ELF plans to trigger a large undersea earthquake, near the Solomon Islands, which will generate a tsunami that will inundate the west coastline of N. America.

    The book was M.C.’s cautionary tale about the politicization of science. Providing two examples of the disastrous combination of pseudoscience and politics: the early 20th-century ideas of eugenics (which he directly cites as one of the theories that allowed for the Holocaust) and Lysenkoism.

    https://www.michaelcrichton.com/state-of-fear/ .

    btw /fwiw; in the video on the above website (within the first 21 minutes of the video). M.C. cites how more people were harmed by the state of fear promoted by government officials, about the health dangers from radiation leaks from the Chernobyl accident, than were harmed by the radiation itself.

    Hello, Wuhan virus’ State of Fear.


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