Hunter is back in the news – IOTW Report

Hunter is back in the news

Patriot Retort:

Well, we may not know where Hunter Biden is now, but we sure as heck know a lot more about what he’s been up to over the last decade.

The Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee finally released the report on the investigation into Hunter Biden’s questionable foreign dealings. And naturally the response from the news media is “This is all the same stuff we ignored completely the first time it made the news.”

Now, a lot of this stuff we already knew. For example, the shady timing of Hunter getting hired by Burisma around the same time Daddy ShadyBucks was made the Obama Administration’s “point man” in Ukraine.

We also knew that some officials in the Obama State Department expressed concerns about Hunter’s activities in Ukraine. That much came out during Adam Schiff’s kangaroo hearings back in 2019.

But seeing it all written out in this manner is unnerving to say the least.

There are a couple new revelations in this report. First, the wife of Moscow’s former mayor transferred $3.5 million dollars to Hunter Biden.

And then there’s this totally in-character nugget:

Hunter Biden paid nonresident women who were nationals of Russia or other Eastern European countries and who appear to be linked to an “Eastern European prostitution or human trafficking ring.”

Hunter Biden sure has a lot of associations with people of shady repute. The report highlights that his business dealings have involved foreign nationals with “questionable backgrounds that have been identified as being consistent with a range of criminal activities, including but not limited to organized prostitution and/or human trafficking, money laundering, fraud and embezzlement. 267

Footnote 267 reads as follows:

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