Senator Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Anthony Fauci For Months of Lies and Manipulative Statements – IOTW Report

Senator Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Anthony Fauci For Months of Lies and Manipulative Statements

Conservative Treehouse: Senator Rand Paul confronted Dr. Anthony Fauci today about his history of false claims, lies and manipulative statements surrounding the COVID-19 virus and direction for U.S. mitigation efforts.  It’s about time someone called the baby ugly. Watch

21 Comments on Senator Rand Paul Confronts Dr. Anthony Fauci For Months of Lies and Manipulative Statements

  1. You really have to laugh… ‘Other’ websites spin it to sound as if Fauci took Rand Paul to the woodshed for a real ass-whooping.


    I’m sure I am missing out on some great links, but there are too many “Anonymous” on here and I am not going to click on something that could be malware.

  2. Fauci talks out of both sides of his mouth.
    These hearings don’t allow for enough time to actually debate issues.
    Yesterday a nurse from the VA in NJ told us this is all a hoax. They have a gymnasium set up for quarantining covid patients but have none. They are putting “regular” patients in there.
    He said it’s a hoax. The patients who have problems weren’t healthy to begin with.

  3. …and Ohio restaurants can now open their salad bars, althogh with the stipulation they are manned by an employee and 6 foot separation is maintained at all times, so I guess a “tossed” salad will be exactly that…

  4. Fauci basically said, ‘nu uh’ and ‘you do this to me all the time’.
    Fauci DID praise Cuomo for the NYC fiasco. He’s a fucking liar. How would anyone ‘misconstrue’ that? And second, he said Sweden had more deaths that the surrounding countries. Yeah at first. But the lock down countries’ deaths increased and kept going even after Sweden. Plus, Fauci didn’t even answer the fact about the others who did not lock down and were in tighter spaces which ended up having less deaths. I fucking hate Fauci. Smug, useless, bureaucrat!

  5. Our local talk radio station has the head of one of our hospital systems (Dr. Delone) on every morning since March. He referred specifically to Rand Paul saying that Europe is approaching heard immunity and Fauchi’s response to Paul, “You are the only one who thinks that”. Dr. Delone says in his circles, most believe Paul is correct and that Eurpoe is in fact approaching heard immunity. He said Fauchi’s response was strange.

  6. You’d think a guy who had to STFU for a few weeks last month because he had surgery to remove polyps on his vocal cords might take it as a sign that he should rest his rusty pipes permanently. Not this mouthy goblin, no way. It would be a shame if he ended up lying through a voice box after a laryngectomy. Keep talking, chatterbox.

  7. Let me go out on a limb here: Fauci will be gone after the election regardless of the outcome.

    How about referring to “Senator Rand Paul, MD”? He is a MD, too, just like Fauci.

  8. I haven’t put on a mask since my trip to Washington (state) in early September and that was only once. None of my friends nor anyone I deal with on a day to day basis wears a mask.

  9. masks are for the sheeple who still believe the MSM.

    If you do your own research you find that the entire thing was manipulated from the very beginning to try to separate Trump from his base by crashing the economy.

    The demoncrats, anti-americans, and TDS sufferers, never know when to fold a losing hand so they will continue to push the shamdemic all the way through this winter and into next summer…. if we are lucky by next fall we might get away with lockdowns being lifted but I doubt it.

    Get used to it people, lockdowns are here to stay because one flu-season rolls right into the next and with spring/summer taken up by rioting only blue & RINO states will have to suffer through the “new normal” of permanent lockdowns, mask-diktats, 6 foot imaginary distancing, fines for not obeying unconstitutional orders, and karens screaming at you for NOT being a lemming.

    Now on the other hand, if you take your trump-approved “covid/gates/fauci vaccine” and have the paperwork/mobile app to prove you did, then your life can return to the old normal of being a wage slave to corporate amerikka.

  10. cslamer
    SEPTEMBER 24, 2020 AT 11:18 AM

    “…Now on the other hand, if you take your trump-approved “covid/gates/fauci vaccine” and have the paperwork/mobile app to prove you did, then your life can return to the old normal of being a wage slave to corporate amerikka.”

    …until the NEXT flu…and the NEXT…and the NEXT…

  11. “How about referring to “Senator Rand Paul, MD”? He is a MD, too, just like Fauci.”

    Rand is an Optometrist. Not a specialist in Communicable Disease. The problem is Rand can think. Fauci, about as well as he throws a baseball. And just as accurate. That son of a bitch changes his story at the same rate he changes his underroos. Which I’m assuming is once a day. And no one calls him out on it. Except Rand.

  12. Fauci hasn’t had his hands clean enough to practice medicine in decades.

    Notice that Rand Paul speaks about deaths.
    Fauci speaks about infections.
    This testing is bullshit, because the test will pick up, even, a small strand of DNA that will classify the outcome as positive.
    This whole bullshit insanity is based on a huge amount of data that has never been available before.
    That data, like many tools the democrats have in their sneaky little bag of tricks, has been used to, yet again, try to remove a duly elected president.
    Democrats, at least many of them, are guilty of treason, and should be dealt with accordingly.

  13. Fauci mentions a goal of less than 1% positive testing. I assume that is 1% of testing at any given time. That will be a near impossibility using today’s testing protocols that call for acceptance of positive results at sensitivity levels well above those recommended by scientists. Of course, we may never know how those high sensitivity levels are affecting the data because it is not included in the official data, many lab companies not even including them in the individual test results.

    Sen. Paul is referring to t-cell immunity which is very expensive to test, therefore, from a public health standpoint it will be ignored. It is the same reasoning behind the US policy of not allowing the widely available and effective TB vaccine in order to allow the use of inexpensive scratch tests to be used instead of x-rays, biopsies and blood testing.

    Fauci is a political animal. As a scientist, his track record is abysmal, but he can pad a resume like a politician and he knows who to brown-nose and is exceptionally adept at it. He lies comfortably, with a confident arrogance, not caring how obvious it is, and he shows complete disregard for human suffering. He is the quintessential sociopath, so he is a perfect fit for the swamp. In the swamp, the scum rises to the top.


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