Trump’s New WuFlu19 Advisor Cites Research Showing Widespread Immunity- Calls out CDC Head – IOTW Report

Trump’s New WuFlu19 Advisor Cites Research Showing Widespread Immunity- Calls out CDC Head

Red State: If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to watch a physicist try to explain quantum mechanics to a room full of delinquent kindergartners, we finally have a pretty good idea.

Most of our readers probably already know that Trump appointed Dr. Scott Atlas of Stanford University’s prestigious Hoover Institution to his COVID-19 task force last month.

As I noted when the good news broke:

Dr. Atlas is one of the thousands of medical experts the Democrats and their media enablers don’t want you to know about who’ve been trying to put the breaks on the suicidal, anti-science response to COVID-19 they’ve conned us into following.

Way back in April, Dr. Atlas tried to save America from the deadly quack medicine we were convinced to guzzle down like a junkie who’s stumbled on a gallon jug of cough syrup in an op-ed titled:

The Data Is in — Stop the Panic and End the Total Isolation.

He explained five facts that were already apparent a month after lockdowns started and some of which should have prevented anyone from ever even suggesting the heretofore unheard-of lunacy. more

14 Comments on Trump’s New WuFlu19 Advisor Cites Research Showing Widespread Immunity- Calls out CDC Head

  1. “All will be well after the election.”

    Nope. They will ramp this shit up to keep you in your homes so AntifaBLM will know exactly where to find you.

    All will be well when the RevComs install their Government. Schumer has said as much.

  2. It almost never actually kills someone, it’s usually just one of the factors in multiple causes of death in already people on the short list for their end of life and expected to die soon anyway (mostly within the year).

  3. At this point, this situation is not medical (if it ever was) – it’s political. I don’t know if it’s an effort to condition the citizens into accepting whatever government dictates are handed down, or to increase the power of state and local government officials, or to cover up an enormous miscalculation into the effects of COVID 19. Maybe it’s a combination of all of these.

    Enough is enough. We know enough about COVID 19 to either take our chances or see to our own protection – just like the flu. Time to open up and make people responsible for their own health and safety. Currently, the evidence is trending towards showing that we wrecked the world economy and caused additional hardship and death on people from other causes for virtually nothing. And if you think I’m wrong about this, I would be happy to examine any source material someone may provide. (Note: screaming Karens are not source material).

  4. “All will be well after the election.”

    Don’t count on it, government is loathe to relinquish power after it has seized it and this has been their largest single power grab since the civil war (and maybe not even then).

  5. There are so many different researches on the COVID-19 now, with so different conclusions and recommendation. My friend is a sociologist and she is monitoring these publications and analyze the reaction of governments, organizations and politicians. She was doing a case study a few months ago after the boarders for citizens of some other countries were opened. I helped her to gather the information from social media, it was interesting, but is was my first experience, so I had to use this source of case study writing service to get the paper and have at least the example of what we are doing. I must say it seemed so interesting for me. That is why I continue my education on reading about case study more and more. After this, I started to read more trusted recourses and learn how to filter the news I get.

  6. It’s all bullshit.
    I’ve said it from the day they locked the economy down.
    There SHOULD be consequences for this treasonous behavior, but I doubt any will be forthcoming.


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