Flynn case bombshell: FBI analysts bought insurance fearing they’d be sued for misconduct – IOTW Report

Flynn case bombshell: FBI analysts bought insurance fearing they’d be sued for misconduct


FBI analysts working on the Michael Flynn Russia investigation originally planned to end the inquiry in fall 2016 and eventually bought liability insurance fearing they could be sued after their bosses continued to keep the investigation open based on “conspiracy theories,” explosive new text messages showed Thursday.

“We all went and purchased professional liability insurance,” one analyst texted on Jan. 10, 2017, just 10 days before Trump took office.

“Holy crap,” a colleague responded. “All the analysts too?”

“Yep,” the first analyst said. “All the folks at the Agency as well.”

“Can I ask who are the most likely litigators?” a colleague responded. “As far as potentially suing y’all.”

“Haha, who knows….I think the concern when we got it was that there was a big leak at DOJ and the NYT among others was going to do a piece,” the original analyst texted back. more

17 Comments on Flynn case bombshell: FBI analysts bought insurance fearing they’d be sued for misconduct

  1. The DOJ should offer immunity to the first three people to come forward and speed up the inevitable process of discovery.
    Maybe some rats fearing for their freedom would step up and get a golden ticket.

  2. LCD, I don’t understand either. I sell insurance and have sold many Liability and Professional Liability policies. My own Professional Liability policy stipulates it is for “errors & omissions”, in other words mistakes. I purposely deceive somebody, no payment. And my little policy costs about $2400 per year. I can only imagine the premium for these guys.

  3. Looks like the rank & file aren’t so innocent after all. I never thought they were. Comey and his buddies didn’t do all that by themselves. Federal employees want to keep their jobs and most will do what it takes to keep them.

  4. What do they call that?
    Awareness of Guilt?

    Can’t remember – something I probably saw on Perry Mason.

    When Lenny tried to pet the girl’s hair (sorta like Joey Biden, come to think of it) he had no “intention” of killing her and even after doing so, had no concept of death or of his complicity.

    I know – I’m mixing a TV show with a movie, but WTF?

    izlamo delenda est …

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