Facebook pays $650 million to settle Illinois class-action suit that alleged illegal data collection – IOTW Report

Facebook pays $650 million to settle Illinois class-action suit that alleged illegal data collection

Recipients are entitled to up to $400.

Wait, there’s more!

Voters in 4 states file federal lawsuits against Zuckerberg’s $250m voting initiative grant.


The Center for Tech and Civic Life seeks to “pay government officials to turn out the vote in blue jurisdictions,” Thomas More Society lawyer and plaintiff’s attorney Phill Kline said in a press release announcing the suits. Governors in those states, Kline further alleged, “are making it difficult and actually discouraging in-person voting on Election Day in more conservative areas of the states…”

3 Comments on Facebook pays $650 million to settle Illinois class-action suit that alleged illegal data collection

  1. MJA. Just a hypothetical question for you.

    How much money do you think conservatives will get who’ve been banned on Facebook and other platforms be entitled to after PRESIDENT Trump wins and lays the HAMMER DOWN on Big Tech, paving a way for a class action lawsuit. Think that’s a possible scenario?

    Fur! You’ll get your Twitter account reinstalled. I know it. Jack knows it. Everybody knows it. 🙃

  2. Here is an interesting bit of info. This morning 09/24 FB tells me I am jail for something I posted//will post? on 09/25, tomorrow. Well alrighty then. Apparently I will post a picture tomorrow of Planned Murderhood President Cecile Richards and compare her death toll to that of Adolf Hitler. Interesting, no?

  3. Oh, I’m sure they only did it in Indiana.
    fakebook data mines everything they can get access to. Even non-fakebook accounts. They pays the moneys and keeps the data. Good deal for them, what with the extent of their illegality of spying and snooping.
    Being fined is just a business expense for them, and an erosion of privacy for everyone else. EVERYONE.
    There’s no mention of what is to be done to what they admitted to illegally collecting. Or to all the other parties they have sold it to, or given access.
    Yeah- yippee. $400. Minus lawyers fees, they’ll probably just wind up with a few months of ad free fakebook or something.
    They don’t respect other person’s privacy or rights.

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