Wrecking the FBI case against Flynn – White House highlights injustice – IOTW Report

Wrecking the FBI case against Flynn – White House highlights injustice

President Trump’s former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn is back in the headlines, but it’s bad news for the Obama era FBI. OAN’s Chief White House Correspondent Chanel Rion has the latest on why the White House is concerned with these latest developments.

10 Comments on Wrecking the FBI case against Flynn – White House highlights injustice

  1. The unintended consequences of Judge Sullivan’s arrogance and hubris – further evidence of Obblowme’s administration lying and corruption.

    The left is riddled with unintended consequences – unfortunately for this country.

  2. Big Time Karma Bomb hits DC criminals.
    That ass Sullivan is trying to hold General Flynn’s feet to the fire but instead is burning down Obracko’s dirty house of cards administration as Flynn’s attorney rips out their guts.

  3. SNS; I appreciate your sentiment, but a pardon is for someone who has been convicted, rightly or wrongly.

    Flynn must be exonerated, meaning he was not only innocent of all charges, he should not have been charged in the first place!

    Moreover, he would then be eligible to serve in the Trump administration.


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