“Am I making sense?” – IOTW Report

“Am I making sense?”

h/t Mrs radiomattm

29 Comments on “Am I making sense?”

  1. That the dems put this guy up for Prez is beyond insane. It’s a sick joke. This is not a legitimate election. In fact Joe himself is a poster boy for the contempt that the dems have for the American people.

  2. Do not count out Joe. There is a reason that the President and his campaign are now building Joey up. They could dope him up so that he puts on a good showing.
    Yup, I am not expecting him to do well either, but it is always a good idea to prop up your opponent so that when you take him out, it looks even better.
    The President has done some work with professional wrestling, and this is one of the go to fundamentals. Doesn’t matter what you think about pro wrestling, politics is a mirror of the industry.

    BTW, no, Joe is making no sense whatsoever.

  3. Everyone seems to be missing out on the Kamelhole iden’s position on all the important issues. From the economy to health care. From the Military to the Supreme Court they are unified in their message. Orange Man Bad.

  4. The left with the lying media is throwing everything they can at the wall and seeing if anything sticks to defame Trump.
    I can’t figure why Biden got the nomination he can’t function. But pray we much and vote we much and let God figure it out.

  5. RogerF….you listen to too much Peter Boyles, so do I……I’m thinkin’ Trump is setting him up for a real ‘shoot’ this Tuesday….Here comes the Vern Gagne sleeper hold!!!!!!…..

  6. This is indeed weird to watch for me, with his ‘Progressive’ mental demise, WHEN you, any of YOU, may have had a loved one die (my mom) from complications due to dementia.

    Then you have to watch THIS, with a fucking mask on??

    Maybe the Democrats should burn in hell for PROP-up-agating this?? Never mind Jill, she is beyond disgusting.

    Prediction: IF he does not do well in the debate, like craters, he will get replaced, like a Dem Coup upon their own chosen candidate, lets’ see…

  7. A few days ago, Joe flipped out when a reporter asked him about Hunter. Biden has a really short fuse (another symptom of dementia). I hope Trump brings up Hunter’s crimes Tuesday night, and gets Joe to melt down in front of the world.

  8. There’s no drug known to man that will help him Tuesday night. To hell with Biden. I’m worried that President Trump is being put in an unprecedented situation which he should not have to deal with. And to hell with vote fraud. We may not even get to vote.

    Democrats have created a situation where Trump is not even being allowed to participate in a legitimate campaign. This whole mess is starting to resemble asymmetrical warfare, soon to be followed by absurd lawfare, like everything else during the last four years.

    Remember when Trump trolled the Democrats by saying that maybe the election should be delayed? Boy, were they pissed! He gave away their game plan. It’s looking more and more like the Democrats are the ones who want to delay the election reckoning and resort to parliamentary tricks to push Trump aside. They know Biden and Harris will never be in the WH, but if they can put Trump in limbo they’ll do it.

  9. @Tony R – I am of mixed minds because my father does suffer from dementia. I do want the world to know the Joe is not in complete control of his senses or rationality. Using dementia as the excuse and point from the President is a grey area for me.
    Regardless, should there be some rule / law / amendment that says that someone who can (and will) be removed within a couple of months under the 25th amendment shouldn’t even be allowed to run for President? I am not sure how the language would be constructed.
    Since we know that Kamala probably isn’t qualified, or legally able, to serve as the President (native born US citizen), what is our out? Can we prove anything or get a majaroty on the Supreme Court to support us? Or do we have to endure the grey area?
    I am not looking for wishes and hopes. I would rather hear concrete arguments that might actually sway the swing vote in the SC (Judge Roberts, are you listening?)

  10. Hyping up an expectation of Biden completely crashing and burning will be portrayed as a close second place finish should Joe manage to stop half a pace short of augering in.

    As Yogi warned, it ain’t over till it’s over. Perform with confidence, but never under estimate you opponent.

  11. I and many others can smell an October surprise coming up. The tension is almost unbearable.

    What sort of political party would nominate such a fumbling, bumbling nincompoop? Could he be faking senility to fool Trump into becoming over confident during the upcoming debates? Or is he truly in the grips of Alzheimer’s disease?

    Tuesday night will probably answer those questions.

  12. People on the right are doing to Biden what leftwing people did to Trump in 2016 – namely, you are setting the bar so low that as long as he doesn’t shit his pants a la Nadler and smear his feces all over his face that it’s going to be declared a victory.

    He’ll be more ready than you think.

    The bigger story today is that the IRS leaked Trump’s private tax information, who knows how long ago, the NYT sat on it until the night before the first debate and the Dems already have attack ads that were in the chamber in collusion with the NYT and other media for the story to break.

  13. The Democrat Party is totally insane allowing this sick old man to represent them. No individual with the slightest bit of reason would vote for Biden for any office, let alone President. The very survival of the Democrat Party has depended upon corruption in the voting process and people who lack any ability whatsoever to accumulate facts, analyze information and base their conclusions upon rational thought.


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