Trump calls for an investigation into alleged ballot harvesting by Ilhan Omar supporters in Minnesota – IOTW Report

Trump calls for an investigation into alleged ballot harvesting by Ilhan Omar supporters in Minnesota

Is there anything or anyone Ilhan Omar doesn’t cheat?
‘allegedly’. lol

Wa Ex:

President Trump called on the U.S. attorney in Minnesota to investigate a report of alleged illegal ballot harvesting by supporters of Rep. Ilhan Omar in Minnesota.

Project Veritas, an investigative reporting project that uses undercover journalists, released a report on Sunday night that claimed Omar’s supporters in Minneapolis were illegally collecting blank ballots and bragging about it on social media. Trump condemned the actions depicted in the video in a tweet posted on Sunday night.

“This is totally illegal. Hope that the U.S. Attorney in Minnesota has this, and other of her many misdeeds, under serious review??? If not, why not??? We will win Minnesota because of her, and law enforcement. Saved Minneapolis & Iron O Range!” Trump wrote. more here

19 Comments on Trump calls for an investigation into alleged ballot harvesting by Ilhan Omar supporters in Minnesota

  1. I am guessing that confirmation of Ms. Barrett will be instrumental in curtailing the left, provided she can get past Mittens, Collins and other weak-kneed Republicans before the official date of the election. If not, I will cross my fingers that Roberts will actually follow the Constitution. I am not holding my breath.

  2. She’s a dark skinned, muslim, female, somali immigrant, liberal, America hating congress critter. In other words, untouchable. Remember, we lhave a two tiered justice system. She should have been sent back to somalia a long time ago.

  3. @joe6 — Well, there is a Commie Dem state treasurer who is under idictment for vote fraud/sham marriage (bigamy) and financial fraud (theft from Wells Fargo) in PA right now. Maybe that case will place Omar under new scrutiny. He met/married a citizen back in ’07, then returned to Senegal to marry his true love.

  4. AA, we were talking about that very thing yesterday. Let’s hope our country can start enforcing the laws we have equally for all, instead of looking the other way when the violator is from a protected class.

  5. Europeans knew long ago that muslims were never to be trusted.
    Why does everyone need to relearn shit like this every few generations?
    It’s not like they’ve undergone any kind of “evolution”.

  6. Sweet gig for that moslim cunt. Too bad we got Chris Wray walking point because ain’t shit going to happen.

    Oh and Barr wants to wait until after…well you pick any date you want, just make sure it’s vague and somewhere(spring sounds about right, hey it worked once) in the future. In the meantime count on him to come to the Halloween Party this year as Trey Gowdy.

    But thank goodness our last firewall is the MN AG aka the caught on tape woman beater(who walked) cause yaknow he’ll definitely do something. Or other.

    I’m sure with the way this moslim cunt scammed our immigration system, was proven guilty yet remained untouched by our justice(?) system, she’s really worried.

    If Trump wins MN, this will be the largest land slide in our history.

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