Debate Recap: Trump Wins, Biden Doesn’t Faint, Chris Wallace Goes Down Hard – IOTW Report

Debate Recap: Trump Wins, Biden Doesn’t Faint, Chris Wallace Goes Down Hard

PJM: President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden went head-to-head on Tuesday night, and moderator Chris Wallace got knocked out. Wallace seemed to push left-wing talking points to help Trump and hurt Biden, but both candidates talked over him. Trump and Biden brought out the fisticuffs and both got in a few good hits. Biden stumbled but he did not come across as a bumbling fool.

While Trump and Biden both went on the offensive, Trump got in more clear statements and Biden came across as shifty, especially on packing the Supreme Court.

Wallace asked Biden if he would support expanding the Supreme Court to more than nine justices, noting that Democrats brought up the issue first. Biden refused to answer the question, and Trump pressed him.

When Trump pressed him, “Why aren’t you going to answer that question?” Biden shot back, “Would you shut up, man?”

After Trump asked, “Who is on your list, Joe?” Biden responded by saying, “This is so unpresidential.”

Not only did Biden dodge the question, but he lost his cool about the issue, and then accused his opponent of being unpresidential right after he said, “Would you shut up, man?” more

36 Comments on Debate Recap: Trump Wins, Biden Doesn’t Faint, Chris Wallace Goes Down Hard

  1. The only time I ever heard Chris Wallace say something credible was when he admitted he was a democrat. He basically said “I live in Washington, what else could I be?” That was the last time I ever watched him and turn the channel when he comes on.
    Piece of crap just like his old man.

  2. I had to turn it off after about 10 mins. Every word out of Biden’s mouth was a lie and I wanted to beat his head in with a baseball bat. I figured I would just watch clips and recaps this morning.

  3. “Chris Wallace Goes Down Hard”

    …I would agree, but in a slightly different sense. He “Went Down” on Biden’s knob so hard and so publicly that Willie Brown and Kamila Whorus must have been envious, and didn’t get up off of it until the whole thing was over.

    …and the man is CLEARLY a swallower too, gnome sane…

  4. …but I DO fully expect them to go after Trump Jr. in the next debate with whatever lies they think have been repeated often enough, because Democrats are all about revenge…

  5. Contentious 90 minute debates come and go, but sound bites last forever. I see his “I am the Democrat Party” comment appearing at the end of many a Trump campaign commercial from here on.

    Meh. I also saw Biden not even showing up for the debate, so what do I know.

  6. Irate Nate
    SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AT 8:19 AM
    “Didn’t watch a minute of it. No need to waste my time…”

    …I agree, but I was watching for the same reason you used to watch NASCAR (back when it didn’t suck) for the wrecks or hockey for the fights, because I figured about a half-hour in they’d be throwing Joe’s quivering, spastic body in some Soundstage version of a Scooby van like Hillary, and I did NOT want to miss THAT…

    …unfortunately, the implant and Adrenochrome teams did their jobs well, althogh you COULD see when they sometimes administered Joe a slight correction during the debate by how he blinked…

  7. David Burge, aka Iowahawk, must’ve Tweeted something really wild last night, because his long standing Twitter account, @Iowahawk, is completely gone now. Perhaps he just got fed up with Twitter and its bullshit, but it was surprising to see his account completely vanished from Twitter.

  8. not one person has asked the question. What in hell was Biden doing all night? He had his eyes DOWN on the podium. Was he reading text messages from his assistants?? what was on the podium?

    Jill Biden embraced him at the end and started to leave stage then hurriedly ran back to scoop up whatever was on the podium..


  9. Caroleigh
    SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AT 8:29 AM

    “Jill Biden embraced him at the end and started to leave stage then hurriedly ran back to scoop up whatever was on the podium..


    …well, we know it wasn’t his honor, dignity, or decency, he laid THOSE down 45 years ago, and if Jill ever saw them, she’d grind them into the dirt with a high heel so they wouldn’t interfere with HER ambitions. the same way she does with Joe his own doddering self…

  10. I am amazed I got any sleep last night, because I was absolutely fuming and you shouldn’t let your anger go down with the sun, but that debate was a complete
    and utter disgrace.

  11. The talking heads are upset that Trump seemed to run over Biden, but no one mentioned that Biden did far worse to Paul Ryan during the 2012 Vice-Presidential debate.

    Also, I had to stop watching the post-debate coverage because no one focused on Biden’s blunders and misstatements, nor was there much discussion on the issues Biden refused to comment upon and evaded. The media, including Wallace, demonstrated pretty clearly they are in the tank for Biden.

    Finally, Chris Wallace was terrible and biased. I had suspected going in that Biden’s handlers would coach Biden to be very general, and Wallace rarely pushed Biden to back up his general assertions. In fact, I think Wallace was actively covering up for Biden – the payments to Hunter Biden are definitely material after the Democrats had spent so much time characterizing Trump as a Russian collaborator. Trump was the one pushing for specifics, which neither Wallace nor the Biden camp wanted.

  12. If I didn’t know either candidate or their history I would give the victory to Biden. Trump looked terrible and came off like a bully. However, knowing what I know I have to say this: Biden had to be given smart drugs and likely had a hidden earpiece for him to be that lucid. It was uncanny. Yes, he had slip-ups and most everything he said was a lie but the people who watch msm don’t know that. And Trump is such a terrible debater he didn’t counter with any effective arguments, instead he often resorted to intimidation. This debate was Trump’s to lose and he blew it. This “debate” didn’t change one person’s mind and an ignoramus who hasn’t decided will likely lean to Biden.

  13. Question: Who was this debate’s “Donna Brazile”? Inquiring minds want to know and it WILL come out. Not that anything will be done about it mind you although the possible question supplier to the Biden camp may get a gig at Faux Nooz out of it.

  14. The tiki-torchers’ veins might have been bulging, but Biden had wires popping out all over the place, he had Wallace running interference and he still did little more than robotically repeat his worn out cue card lies. But Trump should have been better prepared to shoot them down. Especially the “Fine People” hoax. It’s verging on blaxploitation. Call out Uncle Joe Mandingo Remus. Bring up Richard Spencer, President Trump, please! He just doubled down on endorsing Biden this week!

  15. Billy Fuser: I agree with your analysis of the debate. Trump could have been more restrained and gained some of those voters who want him to be more Presidential, but he couldn’t do that. If the Demtiacrats had a better Candidate, Trump would definitely be a one term President. However, there are still two more debates, and he might pull it off by winning the battle ground states where he seems to be gaining ground. And there’s always the possibility of an October Surprise. I keep thinking someone inside Obiden’s campaign will reveal the extent of his dementia for patriotic reasons if not for monetary ones.

  16. Joe was mostly cool and calm-On some drug.Trump was sad to watch and didn’t let his mind speak but let his lips go overboard.he’s a good pres. But he needs to slow down,take a break, relax. Leave all this in The Lords hands.pray for his victory in Nov.

  17. Joe’s mind didn’t wonder off onto a different topic in the middle his answers – as he frequently does during his few public appearances. He refused to answer some key questions. He tried to both support and deny he supports the green new deal. If allowed to talk longer before being interrupted he would have painted himself into more corners. Because Joe has a tendency to land a left hook and right upper cut to his own face, if someone doesn’t block his own punches. All Joe had to do was not defeat himself, which he didn’t. But may have if allowed too. He was only expected to meet a low standard for a passing grade. He passed, just barely.

    Chris Wallace jumped in quickly to move things along when Joe seemed on the verge of going into brain freeze, and interrupted Trump more often than he interrupted Joe. While throwing more gottcha questions at Trump than at Biden.

    Trump interrupting Joe to quickly reinforced the image of being a bully, not helpful attracting undecided voters. And I think the too quick interruptions looked desperate. When more deliberately and clearly stating his ideas & successes vs Joe’s ideas & failures – would have been much more powerful, and attractive.

    I think Trump did manage to deliver more positive points than Joe, and none of the self contradictory statements Joe made a few times. But they were delivered in such an unattractive, chaotic manner, most of them were lost in the mud slinging double speaking, and therefore didn’t KO Joe, which ought to have been only a slight challenge.

    When I watch evening news opinion shows and people start talking over each other, I change the channel, because it’s not worth watching. Nothing is learned, and that is what the scheduled debate that didn’t happen – turned into. And sad to say I think that was mostly the fault of Trump’s strategy. He needs to do better next time to be seen as the winner, by someone other than just his fans.

  18. How do you expect Trump to do all that, Blink, when Wallace kept debating Trump himself and interrupting him? And spend half the evening coddling Joe and interrupting him before he started wandering off in his mind?

    I hope there’s a round 2. Because if there isn’t, this fiasco last night will be seen differently. lol

  19. President Trump should have taken a higher road during this debate. He’s the President. It’s that simple. His supporters might have enjoyed this slug fest, but those undecided voters were probably turned off by his combative behavior. Perhaps his performance in this debate will encourage Dementia Joe to get out and about more, where he will be exposed as a blithering idiot.

  20. Well, we will never know if Wallace would have interrupted and debated Trump as much as he did if Trump hadn’t started the interrupting first, and been more presidential early on. Trump ought to have let Wallace more clearly show his hand first as Joe’s co-debater. Before taking on both Wallace and Joe. Poor timing.

    I love Trump, and think he may be one of our greatest presidents. Trump is great at rallies, and less skillful at debates. Different set of skills. I think Trump did score more positive points than Joe, but the magnitude of the win was camouflaged by the chaos. Just the way I saw it as a Trump supporter. Who wants to see Trump attract more undecided people to vote for him.

  21. Watched the entire Crowder stream with the Faux stream of the debate on the TV.

    Kept hooting and hollering every time Trump got a good jab in- at least 7 times.

    Wasn’t the Presidents BEST performance but Joe still looked like shit in the end and Trump is now alllll warmed up for the next round.


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