Who is the snitch from the Mueller Prosecution Team? – IOTW Report

Who is the snitch from the Mueller Prosecution Team?

Clues About Who From Mueller Prosecution Team Is Cooperating Are Found in Interview of FBI SA Barnett.

RedState: I want to preface this story with a note before I start:  I dislike the use of a loaded and pejorative term like “flipping”.  Everything written below — and everything we know at this point — is equally true of a circumstance where the individual involved has been approached to address specific questions and agrees to answer those questions rather than declining to answer those questions.  That should not be called “flipping”, which is a word that presupposes the person expressed a different view at some point in the past on the same subjects.

I used the term in a headline earlier, and this note is a reflection on whether that was a fair and appropriate characterization given that we know nothing, at this point, about what has alleged transpired.  It might very well be that the person involved, whoever it might be, has done nothing more than signal a willingness to answer questions about the work done by the Special Counsel’s Officer during that person’s time there — no conditions attached.

What that said…

When the Memorandum of Interview of FBI Special Agent William Barnett was disclosed in the Flynn case back on September 24, 2020, I wrote four articles about the significance of the disclosures from that interview. more

14 Comments on Who is the snitch from the Mueller Prosecution Team?

  1. Who cares? They’re not going to prosecute any Democrat for anything ever anyway, so all this theatre is just the magician’s hand to distract us from what’s REALLY going on anyway, and otherwise a It is a tale, told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing…

  2. I hope it isn’t Brandon Van Grack, because whoever sings will get lenient handling and I want that corrupt treasonous bastard strung up by the balls.

    edit: @Supernightshade — You’re likely right, but I do like to dream a bit from time to time.

    edit #2: By “strung up by the balls” I mean specifically strangled with his own vas deferens.

  3. If Trump accomplished nothing else during his first term, the housecleaning of the FBI is an accomplishment of note. Now let’s move on to the rest of the alphabet agencies.

  4. So, have “they” killed Special Agent Barnett yet? A tragic accident of his car suddenly going out of control, or a “failed street robbery”? Perhaps a completely unexpected “suicide”?

  5. Tens of thousands of words will be generated over this. Comey, in a few dozen proved Hillary guilty of multiple felonies. No charges have ever been filed.

    And people are excited about this? I don’t get it.


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