The downfall of Fox News’ Chris Wallace and John Roberts – IOTW Report

The downfall of Fox News’ Chris Wallace and John Roberts

American Thinker: Some men are alphas, like President Trump, and some men are betas, like Al Gore and the sneering, puffing Biden.  And then there are men who aren’t even strong enough to be betas.  They are, instead, weak, mewling creatures who lack either presence or power, and who then cry about it afterward.  Chris Wallace and John Roberts, both employees at Fox News, have exhibited behavior that’s so craven and humiliated themselves so badly in the eyes of Fox News’s core audience that they should be retired immediately.

It all started with Chris Wallace’s stint as a debate moderator for the first presidential debate.  Right out of the gate, he failed to stop Biden from interrupting Donald Trump:

Trump immediately realized that Wallace was either weak or biased and proceeded to ignore him.  In both estimations, Trump was correct.  For the next 90 minutes, Wallace proved himself to be both ineffectual, for he bleated like a lost lamb when he couldn’t regain control of events, and partisan.  That partisanship was almost criminal when Wallace failed to force Biden to respond substantively to the question about whether Biden intends to pack the Supreme Court.  Trump, a true alpha predator, rode roughshod over the inconsequential Wallace.

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21 Comments on The downfall of Fox News’ Chris Wallace and John Roberts

  1. Fox News has been slowly but surely steering ‘swamp’. Ruppert Murdoch’s idiot son was steering – and rino rat Paul Ryan was put on the board of directors. It’s no surprise tbat rats working at Fox News – like Roberts and Wallace – are eagerly dancing dance to their swamp handlers tune.

    Given all this, we’re also seeing who is worth a shit at Fox News – who has integrity – Hannity, Ingraham, Bongino, Carlson, Gutfeld and the like.

    Roberts and Wallace selling puts them in the same category of that other asshole Dwyane ‘Rock’ Johnson, who proved to be about as strong as tin foil by selling out to the Communist Chinese.

    We solve this problem the same way we are solving the NFL and NBA Communist China problems: boycotting the shit out of them and their advertisers and sponsors.

    Out with them.

  2. Fox is having difficulty understanding that its viewers want real news and conservative commentary and are not interested in the opinions of lunatic Bastards who are detached from Reality. Real news can report the News plus items of News described as understood by subhuman Democrats, as Tucker does. Opinions of what is happening in the World and how it reflects upon the well being or detriment of citizens is acceptable but pure Propaganda that forces Nihilism down our throats is to be pointed out and reviled by Fox. While embracing News and Opinion is an healthy requisite of an inquisitive mind, Fake News and destructive opinions should be noted and relegated to Fox segments described as “and now some bullshit from the Left who would kill you if they could get away unscathed and who destroy all of the good Works of Noble Man” featuring Mike Wallace and our own man on some street Juan Williams”.

  3. That they are willing to stick their thumb in the eyes of their conservative audience, tells me that Fox is getting – or expects to get – their funding from sources other than their conservative base.

  4. Don knew, and knew well! Chris was a GWB loving Ronny hating host of “MTP” at NBC 30 years ago! He still hates Rony and loves GWB; which is why Fox hired him!

    Fox has ALWAYS been a far left GOP “news” outlet! They maintained their liberal standing when they put the lefty P. Ryan on their Board!

    Again – Don is not dumb! He knew Chris loves GWB long before the “debate”!

  5. As soon as I heard Wallace was the moderator I knew what to expect. If nothing else, he’s predictable.

    I miss Tony Snow and Brit Hume. They knew how to moderate. You expect tough questions, but not liberal loaded questions.

  6. @ol exJARHEAD – I agree. President Trump knew – but he took the opportunity to inject some truth into the listening audience that they would not have heard on the MSM otherwise.

  7. +1 for Lou Dobbs. I watch Lou Dobbs Tonight on youtube. I’ve seen a few Tucker Carlson reports lately and he’s better than he used to be. So much material and so few journalists.


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