Tax, legal experts say leaker of Trump tax returns could face prison time – IOTW Report

Tax, legal experts say leaker of Trump tax returns could face prison time

Just The News:

Tax and legal experts say the leaker or leakers who took President Trump’s personal tax returns and gave them to The New York Times, committed a felony punishable by prison.

Joseph diGenova, a former U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia who has advised Trump on some legal matters, told Just the News that the leaking was “definitely” a crime that could be liable for both criminal and civil legal actions.

“If you obtain tax information, first of all, if you obtain it from the government — that’s 100% a crime if it was an IRS worker,” said diGenova. “If it’s an accountant or a lawyer who gets it as part of their duties and discloses it, that’s also a crime. It’s a different type of crime, it could be fraud, or it could be all sorts of different types of crimes. Obviously it’s theft of the property and then the illegal disclosure.”  more

12 Comments on Tax, legal experts say leaker of Trump tax returns could face prison time

  1. Wouldn’t it be great if once in a great while the headline would read, “Will Face Prison Time” rather than the obligatory “could” that we’re always fed…

  2. Wouldn’t it be reasonable to assume that the anti-Trump zealot that pirated this tax info was acutely aware that the publication was a crime? They would have been foolish to leave a trail which led directly to themselves. Perhaps the NSA would have the data but finding it would be akin to a needle in a haystack search. It would be nice to see someone drawn and quartered for this abuse of power though.

  3. First lock up those at the “New York Slimes” on federal document theft with no bail & I bet they’ll all be screaming from the tree tops who gave the tax returns to them. Corral that person or people as well, then after the trial, sentence all those involved to 49 years 11 months & 29 days. That should get the attention of the rest of the Fake Media to notify the Feds instead of publishing what was sent to them.

  4. I’ll go y’all one better.

    Trump should sue NYT/ WAPO / MSNBC / CNN for Violation of Privacy and
    demand the DOJ investigate the IRS / His Accounting firm all as possible Co-conspirators to a Federal Felony.

    Let’s make Trump a major stock holder / owner of:
    NYT/ WAPO / MSNBC / CNN and etc..

    Now that’s a real way to nip the Liberal media at the roots.

  5. This is why water boarding was invented. Use it on NYT reporters and editors until they give up their source. Then put the stupid SOB in a cell for a decade. The First Amendment does not protect them from illegal and seditious behavior. I consider the illegal actions of the Fake News Media to be akin to treason with trying to destroy a president simply because they dislike his policies and skin color (i.e. orange).


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