Democrat groups request Iowa Supreme Court stop new absentee ballot request law – IOTW Report

Democrat groups request Iowa Supreme Court stop new absentee ballot request law

Just The News: Democrat groups are urging the Iowa Supreme Court to block a new Republican-backed state law that prohibits county election commissioners from filling in missing information on absentee ballot requests.

The law, passed by the Iowa legislature in June, stopped commissioners from being able to fix missing-information errors, something that was previously allowed. Now, if there is a blank spot on an absentee ballot request, voters will need to be contacted by phone, email and then mail in order to get them to fill in the missing information themselves.

Officials say this could delay processing and prevent requesters from not completing forms before the deadline. Roughly 10,000 to 35,000 people could be impacted if requests are turned in up to 10 days before the election.  read more

7 Comments on Democrat groups request Iowa Supreme Court stop new absentee ballot request law

  1. And, as far as counting these ballots received a day after the election, if I show up 2 days after the polls close, should I be allowed to vote?
    OK, if I’m dead?, Black?, Democrat?, etc.?

  2. I am an election judge. And here in Lake County Illinois we are not allowed to fill in any information. If a form presented on site, review and ask the voter to complete the form. I received my absentee ballot today and it dawned on me why so many mail-in ballots were rejected – didn’t follow directions. The ballot is folded, put in a designated envelope and sealed as a provisional (has to be checked out) ballot. Then put that envelope in the bigger envelope and mail it back or drop it off at certain locations. I still think uninformed and stupid people should not vote. But I keep my straight face on during the election. 🙂


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