Biden Spent Week Refusing to Take Positions, Losing Train of Thought – IOTW Report

Biden Spent Week Refusing to Take Positions, Losing Train of Thought

Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden has continued to lose track of what he’s saying, but this week he also refused to take a position on packing the Supreme Court, abolishing the filibuster, or dealing with Antifa, which he called “an idea.”

19 Comments on Biden Spent Week Refusing to Take Positions, Losing Train of Thought

  1. Where is it written in the United States Constitution that the qualifications for becoming
    President of the United States of America includes being mentally competent? President Obiden Bama is more qualified than thirty percent of the residents of the Sunny Day Memory Wellness Center.

  2. How apropos that the last clip of him losing his train of thought was at a train station in Cleveland with the train whistle announcing it’s departure.

  3. C’mon man – thas not true … … … I …. uhh … had a train ride th’other day …. an it was .. uhhhhh ……. the thing! y’know ….. that thing!
    Spreme cord packing? that sounds dirty ……… !
    Maybe ……. I …… uh .. y’no ….. Kagan and Sondermyer? a sammich?

    whass that otter one …… oh ……. she still dead?

  4. Bobcat, “Which way did they go Whorge.” “I’m gonna hug him and squeeze him and love him to death Whorge”. And we all know that George killed Lenny at the end of Of Mice and Men. The original movie version with Burgess Meredith as George and Lon Chaney Jr. playing the cretin Lenny is the best and the book isn’t too shabby either, it’s one of Steinbeck’s best shorter novels.

  5. Geoff: Ernest Hemingway’s suicide was almost predictable. He suffered from depression and a form of dementia brought about from numerous head injuries. Ernest Hemingway declined rapidly after two sessions of electroshock therapy at the Mayo Clinic in the last year of his life destroyed his ability to write, and Hemingway killed himself in Ketchum, Idaho on July 2,1961. John Steinbeck didn’t have nearly as interesting a life as Ernest Hemingway, but he appears to be more popular over time with contemporary readers. As for Dementia Joe playing the role of Lennie, it’s up to all of us to play the role of George and put him out of our misery on November 3rd.

  6. “Hey Joe, where ya goin with yer dick in yer hand?
    Hey Joe, where ya goin with yer dick in yer hand?

    I’m goin down to sniff some young girls,
    Caught em messin roun with some other man.

    Hey Joe, where ya gonna run to now?

    I’ze gone be preznit, be preznit somehow!”
    (apologies to Jimi Hendrix)

    izlamo delenda est …

  7. Steinbeck was LOVED by the lefties. Until Vietnam. Steinbeck toured the country and wrote in support of the war and castigated the hippies and lefties for cowardice.

    They hate him to this day.

  8. Jpm: Almost every famous author who got started during the 1930s were, or became, devoted Lefties. Oddly enough, both Hemingway and Steinbeck got their start writing about subjects that were not influenced by politics. Ernest Hemingway got caught up in the Spanish Civil War, and ignored and played down the malignant role of the Soviet Union in that tragic precursor to WWII. His first drafts of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” had his protagonist, Robert Jordan, a committed communist, just like the American he was based on in real life. A recent book on this subject, “Spain In Our Hearts” by Adam Hochschild contains a great deal of information about this nearly forgotten subject.


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