Columnist: Politicians and their media accomplices have stolen 8 months of Americans’ life and liberty – IOTW Report

Columnist: Politicians and their media accomplices have stolen 8 months of Americans’ life and liberty

by WorldTribune Staff, October 4, 2020

How much more will Americans accept?

“We have had nearly eight months of life and liberty stolen from us by politicians and their hysteria-promoting accomplices in media,” Jeff Deist, president of The Mises Institute, noted in a Friday op-ed.

“Remember ventilators, flatten the curve, the next two weeks are crucial, etc.? Remember Nancy Pelosi in Chinatown back in February, urging everyone to visit? Remember Fauci dismissing masks as useless? Why should we believe anything the political/media complex tells us now?” Deist wrote.

In its intent to create panic throughout the nation, the major media now focuses on reporting about covid “cases.” Headlines are always updating the new numbers of “cases” without any kind of context.

So what do these headlines really mean? What exactly is a covid “case”?

“Since the beginning of the coronavirus outbreak, most U.S. media outlets have been exceedingly credulous and complicit in their reporting,” Deist wrote. “Journalists almost uniformly promote what we can call the “pro-lockdown” narrative, which is to wildly exaggerate the risks from covid-19 to serve a political agenda. They may be motivated to hurt Trump politically, to promote a more socialist ‘new normal,’ or simply to drive more clicks and views. Bad news sells. But the bias is clear and undeniable.”

The endless talk about testing, obscured two important facts, Deist noted. MORE

12 Comments on Columnist: Politicians and their media accomplices have stolen 8 months of Americans’ life and liberty

  1. I’ll make it easy:

    “So what do these headlines really mean?”

    Orange man BAD. Good before, but NOW bad. Reeeaaallly BAD.

    That’s why.

    Remember these months as COLD Anger, this is what makes YOU responsible.

  2. Who knows how much more Americans will accept? Around my neck of the woods masks have been pretty much non-existent, yet this weekend while out and about I saw more masks then I’ve seen around here.
    Is it because the media is screaming take masks seriously unlike Trump?

    Very likely, two of my family members who have been obsessed with they’re going to die from Corona and obsessed with masks, face shields and gloves called to ask me if now that the President has it would I finally take it seriously and wear a mask. Hell no I won’t wear a mask and hell no I’m still not scared of the China flu. For all I know the President may have a cold or the damn commies may have purposely infected him and others with some other cold virus or bacteria. Yeah, I put nothing past them. However, even if the test was accurate, which is highly doubtful, even if POTUS comes out and says it made him sick, I still will not wear a mask or change how I do anything. If it had been anyone but the President we would have stayed in a day or two, took some cold pills and tylenol, but because he’s the President they took precautions and sent him to the hospital. It still isn’t bad and he’s going home tomorrow.

    So I honestly do not know how much more Americans will accept, fear and stupidity makes people go along with some stupid ass shit.

  3. ‘They’ “stole” nothing from us that we haven’t allowed.

    Besides, our elected representatives have stolen a lot more than the last 8 months of America’s life and liberty.

    They have sold it to the highest bidder, domestic or foreign, for a very long time.

    WE elected the bastards and then gave them the keys to EVERYTHING.

    This election is not time to mess around getting rid of the damn traitorous conservatives, that time is in the next PRIMARY Election.

  4. Meanwhile, back at the Bat Ranch, Uncle Xi sez:
    “It only take virus with 99% survival rate
    to convince Americans to give up their rights!”

    Sadly this is no longer the America that won WWII.
    I almost hope these clowns try a second lockdown… people in this country have had it. Hopefully they will say” “You lost that option when you literally gave all yer loony tunes goons of protesters, rioters, looters and assorted misfits of society (otherwise known as antifa) a free pass to destroy our cities yet when people wanted to pray or get a haircut you sent in the SWAT team! Nope, you’ve spent all yer credibility! Never again!”

  5. Anonymous
    “Half the nation… ” is incorrect. If you confronted those people with the reality of life in Venezuela, they would not choose it. They are publicly educated. The percentage marching us towards tyranny is very low, only the ones who will benefit from it. Your neighbor is a sheep who doesn’t deserve slaughter, only guidance. The government class on the other hand needs to be killed

  6. Like I and others have already mention here before.
    The low Covid-19 mortality rate does not warrant the mandates and controls in place.

    The Sept. 27th, 2020 numbers:

    Odds of getting infected with the Covid-19 in the US Population of 342,000,000 are 2.064%

    Death rate IF Infected with the Covid-19 : 2.89%

    So the Odds of Dying from the Covid-19 in a given US Population of 342,000,000, over that period of 254 days, from Jan. 17, 2020 to Sept. 27th, 2020 were: 0.059658771929824564 of 1%

    What is the mortality rate of seasonal influenza?
    The death rate from seasonal flu is typically around 0.1% in the U.S.
    An that is with over 38,000,000 getting Vaccinated also.

  7. The battle will be won at the state and local level. Governors, city councils, county commissions and local health advisory boards are driving this tyranny. Most of this war against tyranny, if it is to be fought, will be warfare on the courthouse squares in the cities and small towns of flyover America, not in DC. Know who you are electing locally, not just at the top of the ticket.

  8. Given all the people voluntarily donning the Freemasonic Magic Force Field Face Diaper, we will accept plenty more tyranny. We were given a test (face nappies) and have failed miserably. So, the screws will continue to tighten. “Vaccine” ahead, which will become mandatory, with ever increasing penalties for non-compliance. We are in the end stages of a long term communist takeover, and the majority seem to be oblivious.


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