Analyst Slices Netflix Subscriber Prediction by Half Thanks to ‘Cuties’ Outrage – IOTW Report

Analyst Slices Netflix Subscriber Prediction by Half Thanks to ‘Cuties’ Outrage

Hollywood in Toto:

Media outlets have done everything possible to mitigate the fallout from CutiesGate.

The French drama “Cuties,” which bowed on Netflix Sept. 9, purports to capture how pre-teen girls are sexualized in western culture. To do so, director Maïmouna Doucouré showed pre-teen girls twerking, grinding and more for extended periods.

Many Netflix subscribers were outraged, first by the film’s wildly inappropriate ad campaign and, later, by the film itself.

Reporters mocked that reaction, dubbing “Cuties” critics as unsophisticated Christian conservatives who didn’t understand artistic expression. The same reporters, mind you, who aren’t upset at Cancel Culture erasing art past or present.

#CancelNetflix trended on social media, with subscribers vowing to end their Netflix subscriptions in protest. Turns out said protest may be leaving a mark. read more

9 Comments on Analyst Slices Netflix Subscriber Prediction by Half Thanks to ‘Cuties’ Outrage

  1. …no worries, Soros will bail them out, since they’re doing his work, that’s why commies NEVER worry about actually running successful businesses, they don’t NEED to…

  2. Sigh…

    When Netflix came out, it was such a great idea, great company. Sign up on the internet and make a list from thousands of movies that you could get mailed to your house. So convenient. No even having to drive out to the video store…

    Then in 2010, streaming services started…

    So much seems to have gone to crap since Obama…


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