Australian Man fired from mining site after pooping on the job – IOTW Report

Australian Man fired from mining site after pooping on the job

MSN: A man who was sacked from his job after pooing in front of his coworkers insists he had no other option because he had explosive diarrhoea. 

Anthony Lear was a production technician for seven years at BHP Western Australian Iron Ore before he lost his job in April this year after defecating on the worksite.

He explained that his bowel movements on March 9 and March 27 were due to ‘explosive diarrhoea’. 

Mr Lear also claimed he wouldn’t have made it in time as the closest toilet was eight minutes away. more

h/t Jesse Kelly

19 Comments on Australian Man fired from mining site after pooping on the job

  1. …that’s nothing, we had a maintenence guy get fired because he was peeing in the floor drains in the boiler room in our FOOD PLANT.

    Not sure why, except it was 3rd shift and he could, the boiler room wasn’t very far from the men’s room, but since it’s full of dick washing Muslims even more on the off shifts than on day shift, maybe that was it.

    Kind of a shame, too. At one time, we had 3 generations of that family working there at the same time. Now, we just have the grandpa.

    That guy’s a Production supervisor, so as far as I know, he hasn’t peed anywhere he ought not.

    But usually the Production supervisors find OTHER ways to get in trouble with their dicks.

    We had this ONE guy who got caught ’cause one of the local hotels called the plant to have someone come get him, because his wife found out about the chick he worked with and him leaving the plant during work hours and boinking and she followed them there and unsurprisingly caused a scene, but that’s not THAT guy so it’s a different story for another day…

  2. I was at the Watergate during some reconstruction and a fellow I was working with got chaw, you know, tobacco juice, spit down the back of his neck. He turned to me with the devil in his eyes. “What the fuck? Spit! Tobacco juice!” He had wiped it off the back of his neck and smelled it. I said, “It came out of the conduit…” He had straight murder in his eyes. He knocked me down getting out of the telephone closet and I had to knock him down in the hallway.

    That’s why you don’t spit chaw into conduits, or piss in them.

    Had I not been there there would have been murders.

    And never open a water cooler or bucket that’s been left on the loading dock. There’s a reason they were left there.

  3. Send your resume to the EPA, fella. They’re looking for people with your skill set. Or at least they were when Obama was President. Things might have changed with the new management.

  4. worked in commercial/industrial construction for 10 years … had to use every means of waste ‘evacuation’ one could find, from outhouses so full of shit you needed a 2×4 to scrape off the top, overflowing latrines, back-sides of trees, isolated corner of a building, neighborhood hedges … learned to avoid dark areas already constructed … parking garages, elevator pits, isolated stairwells, small penthouse areas, basement area … all of them full of waste

    … then I graduated to 8 years of water/wastewater distribution systems & 12 years of sewage treatment plants … ah, the days … never came down w/ any virus, never bit my nails & it only took me ’till 2 years ago to regain my sense of smell

    like an old guy once told me … may smell like shit to you, but it’s bread & butter to me!

  5. Tony R
    OCTOBER 6, 2020 AT 12:09 AM
    “SNS: Your story reminds me of the guy at the pickle factory who got fired for sticking his dick in the pickle slicer.

    They fired her too.”

    …ok, first, I see what you did there,

    …secondly, you triggered this.

    …there’s an old story used for safety training purposes about a guy who worked in a machine shop, and somehow or another decided he liked the way canvas drive belts felt on his pecker. Seems he’d wait until everyone left for lunch, then remove the drive belt guard from the belt sander and get himself rubbed off before everyone got back.

    Well, it seems one day he misjudged his hanging bits in relation to the whirling drive pulley under the object of his affection, and his Joeys got rudely ripped out of their pouches and flung across the room. Evidently he was of rare pain tolerance and aplomb, as he was said to have recovered his erstwhile man nuggets, wiped most of the sawdust from them, then returned them to their broken homes, which he then stapled shut with an industrial stapler lest those stones should choose to roll again, cleaned off the blood, then left early with a pronounced limp and a crotch full of pain.

    …well, sawdust and industrial staples not being particularly medical or sterile in any way, he got a raging infection and febrile seizures that blew up his Jimmies into his incredulous doctor’s faces, and the jig was up lest he hsve to lie down permanently.

    I think the lesson this was meant to impart was about reporting injuries and seeking appropriate medical treatment.

    Left unsaid was that the company was unlikely to be willing to pay for your masturbatory injuries obtained by misusing company equipment on company time…

  6. This is different that Jerry Gonadler how?

    He did it on live tv. Even shook a pant leg as if he would play it off like he had a fabric softener sheet in there.

    No joy in Mudville as mighty Jerry pinched out a shart.

  7. Jokes aside, this guy could have a legitimate medical issue.

    Some people have an inability to hold it as long or have a shorter fuse time after gallbladder removal surgery.


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