Sidney Powell Talks to Liz Mac About New Evidence of Obama Intel Community Targeting Her Client – IOTW Report

Sidney Powell Talks to Liz Mac About New Evidence of Obama Intel Community Targeting Her Client


Michael Flynn’s defense counsel Sidney Powell was interviewed by Liz Mac Tuesday evening on the latest information being released by ODNI John Ratcliffe.

Powell is one of the few people who take the discussion to the bigger picture at every opportunity. All of the new details fill-in a much bigger picture, and Ms. Powell is one of the few voices who continue connecting the background dots.  At the end of the interview Powell notes more truth-bombs are coming.

7 Comments on Sidney Powell Talks to Liz Mac About New Evidence of Obama Intel Community Targeting Her Client

  1. This is why I want the president to have a third term. This first term had him so bogged down in this coup attempt that he couldn’t get near enough done.
    Besides, the dems had their clown given a third term so they owe us one.

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