Pope Francis not wearing mask in public raising concerns – IOTW Report

Pope Francis not wearing mask in public raising concerns


Pope Francis led a Vatican event Wednesday in which he didn’t wear a mask while joking with prelates and kissed the hands of newly ordained priests, according to the Daily Beast. 

Italy is amid a spike in new coronavirus cases. The 83-year-old pontiff is missing part of his lung as result of a prior illness. Both his age and preexisting condition put him at a higher risk for complications from contracting the potentially deadly virus.

The Daily Beast also reported that Francis has rarely worn a mask since the pandemic began and has been increasingly out in crowds where people are not wearing masks or wearing them incorrectly.


13 Comments on Pope Francis not wearing mask in public raising concerns

  1. Antichrist is the pope and the Turk [Muslim] together. A beast full of life must have a body and soul. The spirit or soul of Antichrist is the pope, his flesh or body the Turk.
    Martin Luther

  2. I wouldn’t think it would be a wise idea for a man in his position to tempt the Lord … anyone who has read the Bible knows God definitely has a sense of humor ‘irony’

    but, hey Fran, whatever … go for it

  3. Given the Popes politics over religion…he is already likely tempting GOD. So now it looks like he’s doubling down to prove a point and further challenging GOD.

    C-19 In Prospective
    The C-19 Panic boils down to something like this.
    You’d have to be part of the 7,475,262 out of 342 Million (2.18~%) of the population that caught the C-19 and then only 2.81% died from it.

    Someone want to check my math?
    I get about 0.06147134502923977 of 1% chances of dying from the C-19 as of Oct 7th, 2020 at 1:34pm.

    An we allowed them to shutdown the USA and threat us like sheep.

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