The Daily Show Tries Swatting at Megyn Kelly’s Kamala Criticisms, but Kelly Sets Them Straight – IOTW Report

The Daily Show Tries Swatting at Megyn Kelly’s Kamala Criticisms, but Kelly Sets Them Straight

Take it like a woman. Don’t make faces.

Red State: As our sister site Twitchy reported last night, former Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly got in a few solid jabs in her commentary on Sen. Kamala Harris’s lackluster performance at the VP debate as well as on Harris’s defenders. 

One in particular Kelly took heat from The Usual Suspects on is what she said about the odd facial expressions we saw from the Democratic vice presidential nominee. They were distracting and annoying, to say the least, and came off at times as juvenile. It’s something we saw often from her during the Democratic presidential primary debates, and it emerged as one of many things not to like about the California senator.

Kelly took to the Twitter machine to give her .02 on the matter:

10 Comments on The Daily Show Tries Swatting at Megyn Kelly’s Kamala Criticisms, but Kelly Sets Them Straight

  1. The one unifying characteristic of all democrats {leftists} is childishness and the inability to control their emotions.
    You’ve seen it demonstrated in a thousand different ways but it can all be traced back to those simple flaws.

  2. The Daily Show has some South African dude, sitting in his mom’s basement and suffering from personal hygiene issues, with a severe case of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

    Insults from the unfunny Trevor Noah, and his writers, are a badge of honor.

  3. Too bad Trevor Noah hasn’t learned anything from watching his birthplace, South Africa, rapidly descending into Third World Shithole status. Soon it’s going to look like Chicago or Detroit, but with fewer White Colored People to murder.

  4. If Kamala cannot take criticism of what she says she shouldn’t be running for president.

    It shouldn’t matter that she’s a woman because women want to be treated equally until they don’t. Everyone is using the woman card because she did a miserable job at the debate.

    What will the same people do if God forbid Ksmala becomes the president? Will they call out foreign leaders who dare to speak to her in a manner they don’t like?

    And let’s not forget how Ms. Harris spoke to Brett Kavanaugh during his hearing. And how Miss Harris talked about her now running mate Joey before he crowned her his VP pick

    She’s a power hungry woman who can’t handle what comes with that quest.

    And where were all these faux outraged people during the primaries? If she was so great why isn’t she at the top of the ticket?

  5. Burner “Maybe she’s not used to being the one on top.”

    It is my understanding she is used to being on bottom, on her knees, and various other positions.

  6. Like an errant child with curled up lip Cummela over emoted to ensure those watching were aware of her disdain for any other opinion.
    She’s slyly aware that her behavior appeals to the childish democrat idiots out there.


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