‘I’ll say it to his face’: Trump fumes at report on Barr saying no John Durham developments before election – IOTW Report

‘I’ll say it to his face’: Trump fumes at report on Barr saying no John Durham developments before election

A report should have come out “two years ago,” Trump told Limbaugh. 

29 Comments on ‘I’ll say it to his face’: Trump fumes at report on Barr saying no John Durham developments before election

  1. See this: https://i2.wp.com/avidd.news/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/us-executive-branch-organizational-chart_50925.jpg

    It’s an org chart of the Federal Gov’t. Under the Constitution there are three boxes. One of them is “Executive”. Under the Executive are several boxes (there are no little boxes under the other two larger boxes — “Congress” and “Judicial”).

    Two of those smaller, subordinate boxes are “Department of State” and “Department of Justice.”

    I share Rush Limbaugh’s deep disappointment and anger that we’ve all been strung along. I’m angry at POTUS Trump today because his box is the big box that directs the two smaller boxes — or is supposed to direct them. He knows by now that there are Deep Staters working for those orgs who have given him bad info in the past and likely in present. He didn’t ORDER the release of the info by his subordinates, he merely AUTHORIZED it. He should have done the latter TWO years ago!

    His excuse is that he is taking the advice of people who tell him it would look like he was politicizing his executive role. How stupid is that?!

  2. If they don’t steal the election and Trump is re-elected. Barr will be replaced, no doubt, with yet another do noting deep state fake and the spin will be continued for the next 4 years.

  3. He should have ORDERED the release of ALL info (UNREDACTED) the same day the criminal acts of impeachment were concluded — at about the same time Nadler was waddling his way to the podium in such haste.


  4. He did pretty well in his first term in spite of being constantly attacked from all sides, including the never-Trump House and Senate RINO’s.

    In his second term, the gloves have to come off – ON EVERYTHING. He gets four years at with a really large, lame-duck bat.

    GO FULL LINCOLN, Mr. President.

  5. The Deep State has been slapping the American Public in the face with a post coital slimy penis for the last three years.

    And us whimpering bitches (me included) have Done Nothing.

    They have proven they have nothing to fear from us and They Know It.

  6. I emailed President Trump:

    “President Trump, this was done on purpose.

    Fire Barr and name Tom Fitton as AG. He has worked harder for no pay from taxpayers these last 4 years than Barr has on our dollars.

    Thank you for all your hard work. Don’t let it go to waste by listening to people who want America to fail.”

    Here is the White House link to email the President:

  7. .
    It’s frustrating, but maybe the plan is to use the deep state against itself for as long as possible.

    President Trump, being the underdog, vs the deep state certainly adds to his popularity

  8. Yeah, ALL Americans should feel like they just got kicked in the nuts (if you are predisposed to possessing such accouterments), but the guy I feel sorry for the most is our president. Even before day one, they attacked his character, they tried to delegitimize his win, they even accused him of treason. For a guy as patriotic as Trump, that last charge probably stung the most. And instead of being provided the opportunity to clear his good name and set the record straight, all his advisors, sycophants every one of them, let him down, giving the Deep State their loyalty instead of their boss.

    What sticks in one’s craw is that he will never get justice. Those that wronged him and wronged the country by their lawlessness and illegality will suffer no retribution, they will be hailed as heroes. It makes me sick to my stomach.

  9. I have the greatest hope for Trump but I also realize he is swimming upstream, against a very strong current.

    I would love to reach out and assist but I’m starting to think my assist will be restricted to partaking in the 2nd revolution.

    And, taking part in that revolution where the ‘enemy within’ will be open season……..What a glorious undertaking that will be.

  10. It would REALLY be nice to know exactly WHO is in charge of this country so I can make a well informed decision as to my future regarding where I might move to, who (m) I might trust, what should be expected and who the hell should be the first ASSHOLE to be shot.

  11. @jellybean: “And, taking part in that revolution where the ‘enemy within’ will be open season……..What a glorious undertaking that will be.”

    No, it will be horrific beyond a fever dream. Do not wish for this. You Will Not come out on the back side of taking human life with a warm and fuzzy. You will be traumatized and psychologically damaged. Talk to a cop or a soldier that killed with an extremely good reason. If you can get them to.

    If it doesn’t cause you big problems, you are a psychopath, which may help you out, but makes you a problem for the rest of us.

  12. @Lowell
    I hear you, I’m speaking metaphorically from the point of being able to actually doing what is right for this country…..I seriously hope to never have to kill someone, I never WANT to do that but……..it would be a little easier knowing the target is a commie, American-hating asshole.

  13. @jellybean:”I seriously hope to never have to kill someone, I never WANT to do that but…”

    I hope you don’t either. But being willing to harm yourself in the service of others is the definition, IMO, of an actual hero. It needs to be a considered act, decided well before situations present themselves. Introspection can be performed in advance. Done correctly, it is no less painful. But it can clear the field mentally when action is required.

    The knowing of the how of violence is rote, the knowing of when is the mountain.

  14. @Lowell
    My disdain for liberals weights heavily on my mind.

    My love of America is monumental.

    My advanced age tends to play a very large part in my decision making.

  15. This crap is really getting suspicious!!!

    Either the Dems have something on them (or some form of payoff or mortal threat) to keep their frigging mouths shut or Barr/Durham/Sessions, etc. are in reality part and parcel of the Dem Deep State.

    Either way, this is treasonous and inexcusable!

    Investigate them instead!…Might speed things up!

  16. So, what does the deep state have on Barr? That is a rhetorical question. The guy is obviously compromised.

    The kind of shit they have on Barr would only be a resume’ enhancer to a Democrat, it doesn’t work on them, but it is something Barr wants desperately to take with him to the grave.

  17. DaveVA — It makes me sad, too. I want very much to believe that there will eventually be real justice out of this hard-won election (2016), but I’m just not seeing it. I’m pretty disappointed that Trump’s only response to Limbaugh’s question about this was to decry his own AG’s judgement. He’s too used to hand-picking known, successful people in his businesses and then confidently giving them the autonomy to act in his best interests. In this I believe that although his intentions were good, he should have learned from the Sessions debacle that he couldn’t just turn his back on the DoJ, and he should have had a very trusted watch dog reporting in on Barr. Double for that nightmare of an FBI director. I knew Wray was a hairdo from day 1 of his confirmation; Trump’s gut must have been telling him the same thing, and yet he let them get away with it again. Same with Haspel. Trump would have been miles ahead with Mnunchin or Mulvaney — even without prior justice background — in those roles. Having worked in large corporations, I’ve seen it done all the time: moving a proven, successful senior manager from one area of expertise to another for their proven track record, not because of their subject matter knowledge. They can pick that up from their wonky subordinates, and frequently someone has to ask a lot of questions and is a subject matter outsider finds all the soft spots and problems faster.

  18. JD — I don’t think they have anything on Barr. Barr came out of retirement for this job and I think the condition Barr put on this gig was that he have 100% autonomy to run the DoJ — strictly along Constitional originalism (which is Barr’s ideology). Trump has always said that he wants to push the DoJ back into this mold and yet that idealism has not taken into account the Deep State carbuncles who have so thoroughly attached themselves to the institution as to become a part thereof. There’s no way Trump and Barr’s puny efforts to regain public trust in this way will have any affect whatsoever on a DoJ that has been nearly completely corrupted. Not until a top to bottom house cleaning is done will that be possible. My answer would be to move everyone into a vacant gov’t building — of which there are no shortages in the greater D.C. area — suspend their clearances, give them a NYTs every morning, a hot lunch, and send them home every afternoon. Pay them, of course and let them keep their benes, but give them no work and no company lap tops or phones. Just like NYC teachers who spend the last 15 years of their career in adult day care.


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