Stanford professor argues “disaster” COVID lockdowns harm children, other patients – IOTW Report

Stanford professor argues “disaster” COVID lockdowns harm children, other patients

JustTheNews: Dr. Jay Bhattacharya is one of the three authors of the “Great Barrington Declaration”  which stated, “As infectious disease epidemiologists and public health scientists we have grave concerns about the damaging physical and mental health impacts of the prevailing COVID-19 policies, and recommend an approach we call Focused Protection.”

In short, “Those who are not vulnerable should immediately be allowed to resume life as normal,” is a statement that sums up much of the document’s sentiment. 

Questions explored in the interviews: 

Do masks work? Should they be mandatory? Were ventilators improperly implemented? Were people who were not at high risk for the spread unfairly locked down, causing irreparable damage to their lives and families? These questions and more are discussed in two exclusive interviews. 

Full interview

8 Comments on Stanford professor argues “disaster” COVID lockdowns harm children, other patients

  1. 8ravo sir, Bravo! … finally, a bit of common sense among a few ‘scientists’

    evidently, the good Dr. is not beholding to Grant $$$

    Chinese Covid-19 is the only cold virus in the history of the world to grind countries to a halt & creating more suffering, lose of property & life than if the actual virus was allowed (like all other viruses) to run it’s course

    God damn you power-mad governors, mayors & d’rats

  2. I am seeing a few friends getting red-pilled, about the COVID lockdown anyway. But far too slowly. I shared the ‘Great Barrington Declaration’ and a Chicken Little friend asked what their stance on masks was. Several times. Get over it – stay home if you want but stop demanding that everyone else sacrifice their lives over your fears!

  3. he’s absolutely correct on ‘harming the children’ … a generation has been stunted (even more so) in their academic & emotional growth. they are now subject to hours upon hours of video ‘teaching’ that drones on & on w/ little or no substance, information, social contact & growth or educational benefit.

    but, hey! wtf … got my degree!!! … I can now tell everyone how special I am! give me my corner office w/ matching company vehicle & parking space … I deserve it!

  4. The American Academy of Pediatrics (hardly a right wing organization) published a letter about THREE months ago stating that children MUST go to school for their mental health and for education. It was largely ignored by most school systems.

    There are two things we know about this virus–there is a virus AND it is political…PERIOD. The media has done its job in terrifying people and suppressing the economy.

  5. This mornings CDC given figures on the China-19 virus.

    7,583,200 “indicated” positive for infection out of 342 Million

    Or, 334.4+ Million out of 342 Million (97.78269005847953%) in 267 days have not been infected.

    Out of the 7,583,200 indicating infection 212,111 “claimed” died from the China-19 Virus (2.7971173119527375%).

    So to “claim” to die from the China-19 Virus you have to be that 2.7971173119527375% of that 2.217309941520468% that some how “indicated” infection. Which works out to about 0.06202076023391812 of 1%.

    1. The Term “INDICATED” is used due to the double Digital False Positives being found and reported.
    2. The “claimed” dead is used due to the well known false reporting/labeling of C-19 deaths caused by other issues for C-19 funds and $$$$


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