Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris’ Disastrous Debate Performance – IOTW Report

Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris’ Disastrous Debate Performance


Well, he’ll probably piss off the Left again, but that’s what he’s done so well over the past three or so years. Liberal reporter Michael Tracey absolutely ripped into Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her debate performance Wednesday night. Tracey is no fan of Harris and said that she was an “awful” VP pick from the get-go. So are we shocked her debate performance was equally disastrous? It was a train wreck. 

Harris came off unprepared on a host of issues, avoided the court-packing question, and seemed incapable of delivering a solid blow against Vice President Mike Pence, who was prepared and lethal. Vice President Pence did well mounting a defense of the Trump-Pence record, whereas Harris couldn’t land any of the zingers Pence quietly doled out like an assassin. read more

12 Comments on Liberal Reporter Brutally Gashes Kamala Harris’ Disastrous Debate Performance

  1. Yes, but Harris sure played the strong black woman card expertly. The problem with that (besides the obvious one) is she played it a little too expertly.

    It sure is funny how “I am woman, hear me roar. In numbers too big to ignore” don’t think twice about totally objectifying themselves in those tidy little silos “black” and “woman” when the need arises.

  2. Wait until Kabbalah finds out that if she won that 99% of the world’s leaders would be mansplaining to her.

    Luckily, Willie Brown already thought of a way to keep her from speaking.

    Joe and the Hoe – 30330

  3. heels up should return to her most favorite nation (wakanda) and run for queen since the king died because she has a better chance there to be queen than president of the USA.

    Bonus for her:
    It is chock-a-block full of black men ready for her to jail on trumped up charges and then withhold exculpatory evidence so they too can be put to death for being innocent of all charges…. I hear she cut her teeth doing that as D.A. of san fran shitsco.

  4. Every Dementiacrat woman I know thinks she won the debate. Every Republican woman I know thinks she was terrible. I hope that the Trump Campaign is playing up her lies in the targeted counties in the battleground states, since there won’t be anymore appearances of Obiden and Kalamity on another debate stage.

  5. What’s funny is that if you ask any member of “The Squad” what the highlight of the debate was, she will no doubt tell you it was the “I’m Speaking” moment. Sitting safely in their freak bubble districts, they have no clue how grating and childish that moment was to most adults.

    And of course, there’s an “I’m Speaking” GIF now, which the Twitter kids are sharing.


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