Presidential Opinion Polls – Déjà vu All Over Again? – IOTW Report

Presidential Opinion Polls – Déjà vu All Over Again?

American Thinker-

Presidential pollsters have short memories. It was a mere four years ago that most pollsters faceplanted after predicting a Hillary Clinton landslide victory. Rather than humility and introspection after such wildly inaccurate predictions, they have doubled down and may be falling into the same trap of wishful thinking as they did in 2016.

Opinion polls are only as good as their samples. Assessing President Trump’s popularity in Boulder versus Sturgis would yield vastly different results based on the population being surveyed.

A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll conducted Sept. 30 to Oct. 1 showed Joe Biden with a 14-point lead over President Trump, 53 to 39 percent, up from an 8 point lead a week earlier. That’s it then, game over. Time for Biden to start packing for his move from his basement to the White House.


5 Comments on Presidential Opinion Polls – Déjà vu All Over Again?

  1. I don’t care if President Trump is losing the popular vote in New York City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Portland, Richmond, Boston, Philadelphia, Denver, Albuquerque, El Paso, and all those other Dementiacrat Cities. He could lose the popular vote by more votes than he did in 2016, and it won’t bother me in the least. I’m placing my faith the the genius of the Founding Fathers, who created the Electoral College to insure that we live in a Republic and not a Democracy.

  2. Their polls are the least of their problems. They still haven’t figured out electoral politics yet. I suppose it’s hard to take those stump-toothed, knuckle-draggin’ neaderthal, deplorable and irredeemable voters seriously when you hold them in contempt for clinging to their Bibles and guns.

  3. Recently, it seems like every time I watch a video clip of Biden saying or doing something stupid at an outdoor event, there is sustained honking of car horns in the background. Like when he took off his mask to cough. Or when that woman waved a Trump banner in his face. Anybody else notice that?


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