The End of Covid Hysteria – IOTW Report

The End of Covid Hysteria

American Thinker- Most of the nation was stunned by the news that Donald and Melania Trump had contracted COVID.  I found out early morning the night after it was announced.  Already the Democrat/media complex was gleefully hoping for death, reportedly focusing on Trump’s “cavalier attitude” towards COVID precautions.  As the center-right media began to report the left’s response, the obvious was clear.  Few on the right would have reacted that way had Biden contracted it.  Recognized by a few heavies in the leftist echo chamber, Twitter actually began taking these ugly rants down.

The amount of insanity and hysteria poured into Trump’s diagnosis by the Democrat/media complex the rest of the weekend was almost funny to watch.  Did his doctor lie?  Did he lie?  What about the 25th Amendment, the procedure of presidential replacement, the coming election, the pending Supreme Court appointment, the number of people surrounding him who were infected?  How dare he take a five-minute ride with Secret Service agents to thank his well wishers!  Non-stop around the clock hysteria.  Almost none of it was helpful, and most of it was true as believing the sky is falling.

Gotta love our responsible, fact-driven media.

Now that Trump has communicated how well he is doing — no fever, no difficulty breathing, that he was only at the hospital for precautionary reasons — there is hope that this new hysteria could die a deserved death.  News that he is back working must be sending a chill up the spine of the hysteria shills.  Trump’s physicians have all confirmed it, he is doing well, with no issues at this point.

Now, things could change, but in the likely event he fully recovers, prepare for the beginning of the end to this “COVID-crisis”. 

Fact is, most of the country is sick of the hysteria.  Most simply want to live their lives, intelligently with caution, and return back to what we all remember was a decent life.   Let me give some personal anecdotal examples:  Everywhere I go, for business, the grocery store, car maintenance, dentists, doctors, dinner, you name it:  A masked conversation is ended by saying I can’t wait until we don’t have to wear these masks (governor’s orders!).  We could see each other and communicate again.  In hundreds of conversations, ALL have responded how much they look forward to that.  My reply:  I can’t wait until we only see masks in hospitals.  The agreement is quick, affirmative, robust.  Most saying, “I am so over this…..” more here

14 Comments on The End of Covid Hysteria

  1. @Anonymous I wish I could say the same. Most everyone around here seems to be wearing masks, even when they don’t have to. It’s infuriating to me. And they look at my husband and me like we’re the devil, lol! It’s a hill worth dying on, though.

  2. Remember when the whole response to the ChiComvirus was to flatten the curve? After the Dementiacrats discovered that they could politicize the Pandemic, they shut down everything to elect an otherwise unelectable doddering old fool and a harridan. It’s all Trump’s fault. Everything is Trump’s fault. Wearing a face mask reminds everyone that IT’S ALL TRUMP’S FAULT.

  3. @Marco – In the beginning it was slow the spread. I always thought they meant until the election.
    What happens after? IDK, but I’m stocking up on food and paper products already.

  4. Burner,

    Same here. Lots of canned goods, paper products, OTC meds, etc. You never know… If, God forbid, the dems steal the election, you may need proof of the covid vaccine to go anywhere or buy anything. That’s how petty this entire thing is getting to be.

  5. Not up here in Torontistan. The media is going nuts and Premier Fat Ass is Re-imposing restrictions.

    Just like Global warming, The predictions are getting more and more dramatic.

    People are starting to hoard ass wipe again and they are telling people to not have thanks giving which is Tomorrow up here.

  6. Burner: I’ve got six months of food and necessities in the crawl space, three months of wine, six months of Bombay Gin and Irish Whisky on hand. Twice as much if I start living by myself.


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