New Jersey ignores economy, focuses on abortion, marijuana – IOTW Report

New Jersey ignores economy, focuses on abortion, marijuana

American Thinker:

A fair question to ask is just how insane New Jersey’s Democrat governor, Phil Murphy, is.  The state suffers from obscenely high property and income taxes that are squeezing the middle class and stunting economic growth.  New Jersey drivers got hit with a 9-cent-per-gallon increase in the gasoline tax as of October 1, which followed on the heels of a series of toll hikes across the state.  Its pension fund for state employees had a $72-billion deficit, and that was before much of the state’s commerce was shut down due to the Wuhan virus.  Now it will be much worse.  And speaking of the Wuhan virus, New Jersey has the highest per capita death rate from this disease of all fifty states, even exceeds neighboring New York’s.

New Jersey’s finances are in a shamble.  To balance the coming budget, Gov. Phil Murphy is borrowing $4.5 billion.  The New Jersey Constitution prohibits this, but the state’s Supreme Court, populated with liberals, gave it the okay.  So Trenton goes deeper into the debt hole.

Given all that, what are Gov. Murphy’s top priorities?  One is abortion.  He’s afraid that with Amy Coney Barrett replacing Ruth Bader Ginsburg on the Supreme Court, Roe v. Wade might be overturned.  Gov. Murphy is quoted as saying: “I hope to God that doesn’t happen, but we don’t want to take a chance that it could happen.”  Accordingly, the governor and the Democrat legislature are introducing legislation to codify abortion in state law.  Interesting that the governor dares to call on God to sanction the killing of unborn babies.  read more

11 Comments on New Jersey ignores economy, focuses on abortion, marijuana

  1. New Jersey Sucks – lived here almost all of my life. I’m on the wrong side of 60 and it’s been a socialist shithole ever since I can remember. There was a nonsense “green acres” bill on the ballot (They are perpetually showing up) the first time I was eligible and it never came close to passing. Within a blink of an eye it went before the “court” and incredibly became “law”. One of thousands in the armpit of the nation.

  2. When things start collapsing, areas controlled by the Left will be the first to go because they are a house of cards! Hell, most of ’em are already crime-ridden, rat-infested, burned-out, bum-piss-soaked, feces-friendly shit-holes in desperate need to be bulldozed under already!

  3. You guys are not getting the plan: destroy democrat states, so all that’s left is the ruling class and the trapped lower classes; with all the middle and upper middle class people fleeing to republican states, it’ll only be a matter of time till the republican states are turned democrat by the masses of fleeing democrats taking their idiotic political beliefs with them.

    In a short time, America will be a true third world country, with the democrat ruling it – and looting it.

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