Feel the heat … coming off the empty pavement – IOTW Report

Feel the heat … coming off the empty pavement

Patriot Retort:
Can’t you just feel the heat?!

Yeah, no. Neither can I.

I’ve seen more people on the sidelines of a pee wee soccer game.

I’m not familiar with Arizona. Is Yuma a tiny one-horse town? Does it have a population of a few dozen people? Is this the best they could muster?

Okay, I just looked it up. Yuma, Arizona has a population of over ninety thousand. Can’t you just feel the heat?!

Did Team Biden not let them know they’d be visiting? Seems unlikely since they arrived in a gaudy bus.

When the supporters who turn up to see you could all fit comfortably on your campaign bus, this is not a good sign. read more

27 Comments on Feel the heat … coming off the empty pavement

  1. It’s staggeringly stupid. Up by double digits, for sure.

    In the meantime..63 million voted for Trump in 2016. Not one if those have abandoned our POTUS (promises kept), more blacks and Hispanics are boarding the train, Bernie Bros and other leftists are seriously unenthusiastic.

    Yep, Biden is definitely a shoo-in.

  2. Even where I live in California, there’s Trump Flags, bumper stickers, Trump hats, Trump signs every where you look. Not an exaggeration, this is how hopped up people are here that want Trump reelected. Saw one Biden/Harris sign in a yard, and that disappeared after the 2nd day of appearing. I predict Trump will win in a landslide.

  3. I counted 42 people in the photo, including the 2 peeps taking pics & the 2 little kids in the stroller trying to lure Joe out of the bus

    (& not including the person taking the pic … considering it might be a PDT supporter)

  4. Dianny, you asked if Yuma was a “one horse town”…well it ain’t! In the winter months we become one of the most populated southern provinces of CANADA…EH!

    Although this year it may be different with the RONA and all keepin’ the canucks up there in their Great White North!

    We do have the largest Marine Corps air base on the left side of the country. Also some magnum porky car shows in the dead of winter when it’s cool enough to walk around in shorts and drink Margaritas!

    So what if we have more than our share of 120 + degree days in the summer, I can tolerate heat a lot better than I can liberal assholes!

  5. Speaking of heat…

    She who must be obeyed informed me recently that one of our neighbors has a very large Biden / Harris sign facing the river. Her cousin another neighbor said, “Whatever you do don’t tell…” Why would anyone think I would harm a Biden supporter?

    Another of her friends suggested that the sign could get his house burned down. I kinda doubt that. After all, it’s a three story brick and I don’t know how you start brick on fire.

  6. I have a friend from Oregon who has a house two blocks from me but he summers at his old house up in Oregon on the coast. The other day I called him and said I was gonna steal a BIDEN HARRIS sign and put it in his yard while he was still up north, but I couldn’t find one…ANYWHERE! NO SHIT!

  7. Anymouse
    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 7:37 PM
    “…After all, it’s a three story brick and I don’t know how you start brick on fire.”

    …from the inside, usually. Makes for quite an oven.

    More modern houses, the brick is just a veneer anyway. Board is right underneath it, and cheap as most builders are, it’s probably already cracked somewhere.

    …not suggesting anything and not condoning anything, just sayin’…

  8. The numbers must be overwhelming in the swing states because the Demonrats will manufacture millions of illegal ballots for the pedophile.

    PDJT has FL, if he can overcome the Demonrat cheat machine in PA and OH he will have it wrapped up. I think he may carry AZ as a bonus.

  9. Cisco Kid
    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 8:03 PM

    “…PDJT has FL, if he can overcome the Demonrat cheat machine in PA and OH he will have it wrapped up.”

    …well, in OH, GOP-E DeWine will fo everything he can to help.


    …just like he’s done all summer…

  10. More people showed up at last year’s Yuma Sunflower Seed Spitting Competition.

    More people showed up at last year’s Tijuana Roach Race International competition.

    More people showed up at last year’s Indonesian Snow Festival.

  11. We can predict they will try to Gaslight America and declare Dementia Joe and the Ho as winners in the Presidentail election.. There is Zero evidence of any meaningful support for the Democratic Party Presidential Candidate..


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