Dad of the Year Refused To Break Window To Save Toddler Who Died Inside Trapped Car – IOTW Report

Dad of the Year Refused To Break Window To Save Toddler Who Died Inside Trapped Car

iHeartRadio: A father’s one-year-old daughter died trapped inside his vehicle after he refused to break the car window because he couldn’t cover the damage.

Sidney Deal, 27, rejected help from Metro Police officers and his brother, who offered to smash open the window to his new car, claiming the toddler was OK and that the air-conditioner was on. Deal told authorities Monday afternoon (October 5) that he accidentally left his keys inside the running car, but declined assistance from his insurance company because he didn’t agree with the cost. read more

h/t Systemically Confused.

20 Comments on Dad of the Year Refused To Break Window To Save Toddler Who Died Inside Trapped Car

  1. It sounds like the police were on the scene, but since the sperm donor wouldn’t allow them to break the window, they didn’t. Finally they did, only to find the child already dead. Seems like there is a lot of blame to go around.

  2. something doesn’t jive in this story … particularly the ‘rejected help from Metro Police officers’ part.

    what? were they sitting around waiting for a locksmith? … don’t they have a jimmie bar? …. ‘eff that, just break the damned window & tell dad to send the bill to city hall, ffs!

    … just don’t pass the smell test

  3. Horrible.

    I was just talking to my brother, Anthony, about how to set timing advance and tickover on airhead Beetles… and how I want my son, Ian, to know that. Not just the bullshit in the book, but WHY.

    And I mentioned how, “All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain”.

    And then I read about this fucking sorry excuse for a human…

  4. Most likely this minority and his pushin’ cushion were getting it on in the bedroom while the mini-minority was burning to a crisp in the new Cadillac outside.

    Black Lovin’ Matters

  5. Sounds like love for his new ride mean’t more than the love for his daughter. Idolatry at its worst.

    I could never understand leaving your kids alone in the car under any circumstances ever. 🤬

    OCTOBER 10, 2020 AT 10:08 PM

    “…what? were they sitting around waiting for a locksmith? … don’t they have a jimmie bar?”

    …no, actually. Police used to offer a basic Jimmy service, but cities decided that it wasn’t a good use of police officers, that cars had become sufficiently complicated that the liability risk from ham-handed cops damaging wires and knocking switches and rods off inside doors was too high, plus the cop was too focused on the inside of the door to pay attention to what was going on BEHIND him, not to mention that not everyone who SAYS they own a car, actually DOES.

    …funny story, back when they still did that, I had just started at my factory job, and I had done a fair amount of locksmith work on cars from when I worked in a garage, and I kept my slim jim collection for the purposes of helping out my new co-workers, althogh I had no formal role in doing so there.

    Well, one day I went out to help someone, and I got my stuff out and was starting to work the door, when I found out someone had called the cops to help without telling ME, and the cruiser was turning into the lot when I found out.

    Well, there I was with all these professional lockout tools and no cover of a title to protect me from a charge of Possession of Theft Tools should the cop be so inclined, and I REALLY wasn’t in the mood to do 5 years up the river for trying to do a good deed, so I yanked out the one I had in the door, threw it on the pile on the ground, kicked them under the car next to it, and prayed the cop wasn’t very attentive to detail.

    Happily, she wasn’t, and just opened the door and went on her way without a glance on the ground or at me.

    Took my crap home after that, didn’t need that in my life, had enough else to deal with.

    The cops stopped offering service after that, so everyone was on their own.

    Post script…one time after that, one of our foreign Quality MPCs was was quite upset that she couldn’t get in her car, and she was a nice lady so I figured I could see if I could revive my old skills to help her out. We went to her car and she showed me the problem, which was that her battery was flat in her key shank, so pushing the button didn’t unlock her door.

    So I took the key out of her hand and used it to mechanically unlock the door. Which is what it was made for.

    Yes, you read that right.

    It never dawned on her to use the key as…a key. She was too used to pushing buttons.

    …I guess I’d pretty much figured civilization wasn’t gonna survive after that, but I was still able to pretend in until “Obama” was elected..

  7. …as for this idiot, we addressed this in an earlier thread, so I won’t repeat.

    …but the short version is that the cops were probably afraid to anger a Black man, so they stood down instead of saving a life.

    Were it me, it wouldn’t have been the FIRST window I ever broke to save a child, so I wouldn’t have hesitated.

    I’d rather explain to a jury why I broke a window than explain to God why I let a child die.

    Or just paid for the window myself.

    Windows don’t matter.

    Lives do.

    I have a duty to life.

    Not to Cadillac…

  8. As I posted in another blog.

    30+ years as a FF/PM. We don’t need your permission to break onto your car to get a child. If police and fire are involved we’re breaking in. This story doesn’t add up.

  9. Mrs radiomattm OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 1:06 AM

    …You are too kind. I am just a Ustacould member of the WhenWe tribe, but even back in the day I wasn’t anything special, there were dozens of folks that would do the same as I or better, it was a question of ethics and training that was covered pretty well in the day, but may have taken a backseat to political concerns in our modern, much more cowardly society.

    It wasn’t even a questionable thing then, as JC says. It was just the job, answerable to an oath we all took when sworn in. Doing otherwise wasn’t possible.

    And I have no idea why that wouldn’t be the case NOW.

    Just to illustrate the difference in mindsets now;
    My wife had a cousin that was breifly a medic on the Left coast, involved in tater transport I think so not the really flashy stuff, but still with lives at risk or they wouldn’t use ambulances and trained crews. One day it came up that one of her patients arrested, and she sucessfully brought them back, and called my wife, her cousin, later to tell her all about it. My wife spent years hearing the stories you all get assaulted with here so this wasn’t new information to her, but she celebrated with her and then told me “My cousin saved a life today”.

    She was then off-put by my response.

    “So?”, I said.

    “Well, you could be happier for her”, the wife said after getting over being taken aback.

    “…for WHAT, doing her JOB? I mean, that IS what she was THERE for, whatdaya want, a cookie? You sucessfully fulfilled the task you were hired for.

    Now go do it again.”

    …she did NOT pass that on to her cousin, BTW…

    …See, while it IS nice that there are people alive that she had a hand in helping, and people alive that I had a hand in helping, and doubtlessly people alive that JC had a hand in helping, if it wasn’t one of us, it would have just been someone else, because that’s how it works, people are trained to do that for other people, take an oath that they will do so to the best of their ability, and then are expected to use their expensive training and equipment in fulfillment of that oath. Saving a life in that regard is no different from the guy at the garage changing your water pump, it’s expected behavior at that level, and doesn’t necessarily mean you’re a good person for it, just that you did what you were supposed to do.

    But in THIS case, the police did NOT do what they were supposed to do.

    And there’s the disconnect.

    …see, people suck. When you interact with them, especially on an emergency basis, you get to see how MUCH they suck. You generally assume that anyone who gets between you and your patient is doing so for nefarious reasons, and act accordingly. This is where that oath comes in again, although those don’t seem to mean much any more. The police officer’s duty was to the child, NOT to the man, because the child was in danger and the man was NOT. We don’t know the man’s motivations, if it was really about the car, or if he actually WANTED this child dead so he could go smoke more crack without worrying about her, some folks DO think like that. Were it ME, based on the things I’ve seen and the people I’ve met, I would asssume that was the case and act accordingly, and whether it got me on the news or not, that car would have been lacking a window ten seconds after I got there.

    Windows can be replaced.

    Lives can’t.

    To me, it’s that simple.

    I don’t know why it wasn’t to HIM.

    Any good that ever came out of me was a tribute to a God I didn’t even know then and to the people who trained me and many others besides. I just liked the pretty lights, and maybe built up some empathy along with experience along the way, but ultimately the credit is all to the Lord because any time anyone saves a life, it is because the Lord gave them the ability to do so by equipping them with a mind that could learn and a heart that could serve, and they are only there because he intended it so and they are fulfilling His purpose, knowingly or not.

    But some stand by and do NOT fulfil His purpose to save His creations wherever and whenever possible, so they may grow to come to Him. Why this is is literally between them and God.

    But all I can do is speak for myself when I say that I would not want to stand before His throne when he asked why I let a child die, and respond with “because I was scared”.

    And I hope those LEOs have a better answer than THAT for him.

    Because they’re gonna NEED it.

    …this can go to the individual too. Not everyone responds correctly or usefully to a crisis. I met people in the fire/EMS service who didn’t belong there and didn’t know it even about themselves until put to the test, and they failed.

    Perhaps this LEO was that sort.

    If so, he just failed his test.

    Unfortunately, it is a dead child, not a bad report, that is the result.

    And that is diffiult to excuse.

    I pray he, or she, learns from this experience and finds a pursuit that doesn’t involve the lives of others at risk, because they would appear unsuited for it.

    But that’s just me.

    When I see the commericals for hospitals and such where everyone cowers behind a mask,

    I’m no longer sure we can do any better.

    And that may be God’s condemnation on us, to curse us with cowardace at the last, so we can be easily destroyed as a Nation for our sins against the most helpless among us, and for mocking Him by claiming He got sex wrong, and for making a mockery out of marriage and for denegrating His houses to the point where porn movies are made in them, but this is already too long and that’s a different subject for another day…

    God Bless,

  10. Gladys
    OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 9:48 AM
    “I bet he mean’t for that child to die.”

    …sometimes, they do.

    That’s one of my points above.

    People suck, and nothing will change that.

    But the error is that everyone ELSE was complicit.

    He may have wanted her to die, but that would NOT have been possible without everyone else letting it happen…

  11. Poor Baby, never had a chance with this so called father.

    Up here, if you dial 911 to report a dog/kid inside a hot car they automatically will send cops/fire and in some cases have been known to allow the caller to break the window if they can do it safely.

    I came pretty close one time while on a roof watching a woman go into a nail salon on a 95 deg day with her dog sealed up in her hot car. I called 911 and watched from the roof as they busted her window out etc. The cop shop was only 1 mile away.



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