DC Hotel ‘Honors’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Mural Composed of 20,000 Tampons – IOTW Report

DC Hotel ‘Honors’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Mural Composed of 20,000 Tampons

Legal Insurrection:
From demanding free tampons, to placing tampons in men’s restrooms, to wearing tampons as earrings on national television, the left has long been obsessed with tampons. There for a while, “tampon justice” was an actual thing.

Remember this:

Now a boutique hotel in DC has taken the concept of “tampon justice” to a new and disturbing level.  The Hotel Zena features an enormous mural of recently deceased Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg composed entirely of tampons. Twenty thousand of them.

I kid you not

40 Comments on DC Hotel ‘Honors’ Ruth Bader Ginsburg With Mural Composed of 20,000 Tampons

  1. Oh for fuckidy fucks sake, just fucking STOP. No normal person, female or male, wants or needs any public renditions of anything made out of tampons. It’s disgusting. Yes, women menstruate but I certainly don’t believe we have to discuss, share , or “celebrate” that fact. It’s a part of life but not one that needs to be shared and publicised and made political.

  2. Mrsradiomattm — Hammer meet nail! Besides, tampon ‘art’ is so 2000’s.

    There’s a reason we aspire to The Beautiful (The Good, The True, The Beautiful). Art is truly only ‘subjective’ to a certain point, beyond which it is no longer ‘art.’ Most ‘modern art’ is not art at all. This collection of tampons, ordered in a fashion to render Ginsburg’s likeness, is simply and only that. It’s not art. It’s not even clever. It’s grotesque.

  3. This tampon fanatic hotel reminds me of the over-arching plot in the Tom Clancy Novel Rainbow Six; Where a group of psychotic nature worshipping nut-jobs are hold up in this large bio-dome tent out the middle of corn country; plotting to kill off most of humanity; which John Clark & Team Rainbow put a swift end to that nasty business.

  4. “This collection of tampons, ordered in a fashion to render Ginsburg’s likeness, is simply and only that. It’s not art.”

    I’ve seen a collection of rat turds fashioned to render Obola’s likeness – and damn! It IS art!

    Ginsburg was a deceitful, treasonous, oath-breaking tub of fetid rotting clotted menstrual blood – and this “tribute” is apropos.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. …whatever. set ’em on fire if you want to reflect where her dead, baby-murdering ass is today, all you’re really doing is confirming that we’re better off with her dead anyway.

  6. …nice ad for your hotel, BTW. Really gives me confidence I’ll get a clean room when you’ve nailed fouled bathroom products to your wall, and gives me all KINDS of reasons to believe that you’ll be treating my male ass fairly and with no bias or hatred at all…/s

  7. Mansfield lovell
    OCTOBER 11, 2020 AT 9:11 AM
    “It’s to soak up all that LeftistHatred©”

    …the Gobi Desert couldn’t dry that up, so I don’t think Kimberly-Clark really has much of a shot…

  8. What do using Tampons as ART… and Condoms on a White House Christmas Tree have in common? Space Case Uber Left Liberals. I myself call it TACKY and Disrespectful of any woman’s memory.

    OK … While I did not agree with a number of RBG votes concerning serious social and moral issues. She did hit the head on the constitutional nail more than not, even siding with the overwhelming Majority until about 2015-16…Then I feel up, it seems her staff started steering her, due to her serious health issues.

    This is a fact easily proven given the number of times according to the Supreme Court Database, here there were unanimous (9/0) decisions (about 1/3 of the time) since her appointment.

    This means she even voted AGAINST the UBER Liberal 9th Circuit court a large number of times.

  9. Liberals dress up as vaginas to protest, celebrate their icons who defend abortion by murder, make art from menstrual hygiene products, demand political candidates meet only one criteria, namely a female anatomy, and want men to pretend to be women (and vice versa).

    Basically they are obsessed with weird sex and they want us to respect their womanhood because of these perversions? Makes me think suffrage was not the best idea.


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