ICE Arrests More Than 100 Illegals as Agency Targets California Sanctuary Cities – IOTW Report

ICE Arrests More Than 100 Illegals as Agency Targets California Sanctuary Cities

HeadlineUSA: Immigration and Customs Enforcement arrested more than 100 illegal immigrants with criminal histories in California over the past few weeks as part of an ongoing sting operation.

ICE officers took into custody 128 people in Los Angeles, San Diego, and San Francisco between Sept. 18 and Oct. 3, according to Department of Homeland Security Chief Chad Wolf. About 96% of those arrested had criminal convictions or pending criminal charges at the time of arrest, but had been released from jail by sanctuary cities, Wolf said.

One illegal immigrant arrested in Los Angeles was a 40-year-old El Salvador native convicted of first-degree murder in 2009. The illegal immigrant was released by the Los Angeles County Jail shortly thereafter, Wolf said.

These arrests were apart of ICE’s ongoing deportation sting, which has specifically targeted sanctuary cities, such as Los Angeles. read more

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