Religious liberty court score: Trump DOJ 1, DC Mayor Bowser 0 – IOTW Report

Religious liberty court score: Trump DOJ 1, DC Mayor Bowser 0

JTN: Federal court issues preliminary injunction against mayor’s COVID-19 restrictions, letting Baptist church in DC hold outdoor services.

A federal court handed a victory to a Baptist church in Washington D.C., issuing a preliminary injunction against Mayor Muriel Bowser’s COVID-19 restrictions that will allow the church to hold outdoor services Sunday with proper precautions.

The “church has shown that it is likely to succeed in proving that the District’s actions impose a substantial burden on its exercise of religion,” the U.S. District Judge Trevor N. McFadden ruled. “For its part, the District has not shown that it is likely to prove a compelling interest in prohibiting the Church from holding outdoor worship services with appropriate precautions, or that its restrictions are the least restrictive means available to achieve its public health objectives.”

The ruling in favor of Capitol Hill Baptist Church was immediately applauded by the Trump Justice Department, which filed a statement of interest supporting the church. read more

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