Happy Columbus Day! Honoring an Immigrant Entrepreneur Who Risked It All to Change The World – IOTW Report

Happy Columbus Day! Honoring an Immigrant Entrepreneur Who Risked It All to Change The World


Happy Columbus Day, everybody! Today we honor the immigrant entrepreneur who founded America, the most disruptive startup in the history of the human race.

Christopher Columbus, aka Cristoforo Colombo, the son of a cheese salesman, worked his way up from humble beginnings to become the most famous explorer the world has ever known. Centuries later, President Donald J. Trump would follow a similar path to success. A devout believer in Christianity as well as science, Columbus sailed the ocean blue with nothing but a dream in his Atlantic-sized heart, and found the Promised Land itself. read more

15 Comments on Happy Columbus Day! Honoring an Immigrant Entrepreneur Who Risked It All to Change The World

  1. Darn it @Vietvet – I missed that INTENSE pun…

    Galleon?? Ask an average person even knows what that IS.

    Oh you are good…

    So many explorers to admire.

  2. I always like Columbus Day in Manhattan. The parade was so festive and fun. I’m Italy American and Ghost makes reference to my father, Luigi. A very proud Italian American. Ok, for the first time I heard why they call Italians Ginny. The Italians came over and went to Louisiana and they had to dig the levies and canals. The British paid them with the “GUINEA” Name stuck and now you know the rest of the story!!!!

  3. @Mary Hatch: I don’t believe the British ever did much in Louisiana, much less import Italian labor, even though they did technically control the eastern half for a while. The territory pretty much passed from France to Spain, back to France, and then to the U.S. via the Louisiana Purchase.

    From The Urban Dictionary:

    Ginney/Guinea – Italians Pronounced “gi-nee.” Came from “Guinea Negro” and originally referred to any Black or any person of mixed ancestry. This dates back to the 1740’s. By the 1890s it was being applied to Italians–almost certainly because they tend to have darker skin than Anglo-Saxons/Germans. By 1911 the term began being applied to Hispanics, although the reference to Italians is the most common.

  4. Watch Mel Gibson’s very well done movie Apocalypto.
    About brutal inhumane life in South America before Columbus and the other white Christians came and civilized their world.
    The Incans, Mayans, whoever cannot deny the vast improvement in societal and living conditions.

  5. Anyone feeling so strongly opposed to the explorer Christopher Columbus, is happy to relinquish their personal possessions and properties and return to Europe. Part of our family has Caribbean Indian Taino tribe blood lineage and would welcome the Liberal sympathy $$$$.

  6. …you think what they did to Columbus is bad, they don’t teach Lincoln in KY schools at ALL.


    …and the school I yanked my son out of in OH skipped ALL of WWII so they could spend time on Africa and Islam, and lied about THOSE, too, so giving Democrats the education roles with Jimmy Carter’s DOE and all power to the NEA, maybe not so good in hindsight…

  7. He had a great idea; that one could easily get to the riches of the East Indies by traveling in a westerly direction. Maybe he wasn’t the originator of the concept, and maybe not even the first to try it, but he acted on it successfully, and discovered something far richer than the East Indies, a toehold on the western hemisphere.

    He had the courage to carry out his dream.

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