Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out Democrats for Religious Litmus Tests and Bigotry on Judicial Nominees – IOTW Report

Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out Democrats for Religious Litmus Tests and Bigotry on Judicial Nominees


Article six of the constitution, and the first amendment outlining the bill of rights within the United States constitution, affirms that every American citizen has the unassailable right to practice their religion in accordance with their own beliefs; no litmus tests are permitted. However, under the doctrines of Marxism religion is a threat to state control. MORE


While Democrats Argue Barrett Will Kill Obamacare, Legal Experts Are Skeptical.

WFB: Democrats zeroed in on the Affordable Care Act in the first day of hearings for Judge Amy Coney Barrett, arguing that her confirmation would mean Obamacare’s swift defeat when the Supreme Court hears a case on its constitutionality next month. But conservative legal experts say Barrett is unlikely to invalidate the law.

Dangling the prospect that Barrett would kill Obamacare has become the centerpiece of Democratic attacks on her. Senate Democrats on Monday repeatedly alleged that if confirmed, Barrett would join her conservative colleagues on the Court to strike down one of their signature legislative accomplishments. Liberal activist groups and Democrats, including presidential nominee Joe Biden, have in recent weeks said the same thing.

But multiple right-leaning legal experts with a close eye on the case and the Court’s conservative wing told the Washington Free Beacon that they see the situation differently. Rather than strike down the Affordable Care Act, they expect that the Court’s majority will void the law’s individual mandate alone, or reject the case entirely, concluding that the plaintiffs lack the legal right to sue.

They say that the Democrats’ argument is misleading at best and “shameful” at worst, with one telling the Free Beacon, “It’s so ridiculous that I don’t even like giving oxygen to it.” more

7 Comments on Senator Josh Hawley Calls Out Democrats for Religious Litmus Tests and Bigotry on Judicial Nominees

  1. What should have happened, at the very least, is the exposure and striking down all the back room dealing and deceit to We The People that made oblowme care possible.

  2. The worst aspect of ObamaCare, the mandate, has already been struck down,
    Every Republican Senator has already expressed support for the best aspect of ObamaCare, preexisting conditions.
    So the alarmism from the Democrats is a smoke screen.
    A lie.
    But what do you expect from them?
    Besides alarmism and lies?

  3. Obamacare was not in any way affordable especially when combined with the very high annual deductible. I even asked if I could get a policy with an even higher deductible hoping I could get the monthly premium down to where I would at least have catastrophic coverage in case I had something happen that would cost $300k or more. But that was verboten. Clearly the law was written to squeeze us for more money.

    I just had to do without insurance for three years and fingers crossed hope I didn’t come down with some illness or an accident that severely mangled me that would quickly gobble up my life’s savings. Getting older finally had an advantage. Obamacare was made law by midnight arm twisting under the table deals during the holidays then kept alive by Constitutional-contortionist Roberts. It needs to be killed by someone.

  4. I wonder if these “legal experts” are from the same tribe as “pollsters”. Is an Originalist likely to give the same interpretation to “the general welfare” as RBG? Or does congress have the authority under the Constitution to say what that is?


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