Rebellion: The Urge to Escape Confinement Is Like a Virus. And It’s Contagious. – IOTW Report

Rebellion: The Urge to Escape Confinement Is Like a Virus. And It’s Contagious.


As a second wave of infections surged in Europe, lockdown-weary populations sought another way to contain the coronavirus pandemic.

Police said “several thousand” people marched through Berlin on Saturday in a silent protest against restrictions. Protesters also rallied in Rome, Warsaw and London against mask-wearing requirements and virus curbs.

Governments across the globe are struggling to keep up with a sharp rise in infections and manage growing public frustration over a new restrictions as the pandemic enters a second wave.

The costs of quarantine were taking their toll even in Spain, initially one of the worst-hit countries in Europe, where a Madrid court rejected government orders to lock down the Spanish capital.

A court in Madrid has rejected strict new lockdown laws imposed on the Spanish capital by the government last week to stem the spread of coronavirus.

The Health Ministry banned 4.8 million people in the city from leaving their local areas except for essential business on Friday.

But regional government chief Isabel Diaz Ayuso opposed the order, saying it would ravage the region’s economy, and that the ministry had no power to impose such curbs.

Israel, which became among the first countries to reintroduce a nationwide lockdown to stop a new rise in infections, saw quarantine evasion begin to break out. more here

10 Comments on Rebellion: The Urge to Escape Confinement Is Like a Virus. And It’s Contagious.

  1. The quarantine/lockdown/mask stuff violates human nature.

    It’s an attempt to isolate and alienate people from each other, but as Socrates stated so long ago “Man is, by nature, a social animal”.

    As for the all pervasive mask requirements, they prevent the most basic and instinctual of human communication which is facial expressions. Language only supplements this as we develop, it doesn’t replace it. Even a baby is born with the instinct to smile and frown to express his condition and communicate it to others and every other human instinctively recognizes it. It’s far more basic and essential communication than even language which has to be learned and never replaces it.

    These forcible steps being taken against human nature are not going to lead us to a good end, not a good one at all.

  2. Recent news:

    I looked at the data (bottom section of that first chart) – mask-wearing has no statistical difference in contracting the virus.

    Also, WHO now says the lockdowns were a mistake because of their economic impact on the poor.

    Meanwhile, in Commiefornia many of my friends continue to say ‘Hold on, we need more data!’ Ugh.

  3. From the UK: “They are calling for protection to be focused on the vulnerable, while healthy people get on with their lives …”

    The Brits 1 – COVID Scamdemic 0

  4. I am ashamed of Israel. They have real scientists there. They should know better. If you recall, very early on, Israel also shipped a million doses of hydroxychloroquine to U.S. And now, add to that the new pharmaceutical therapeutics.

    So… how is Uganda doing… look it up.

  5. In Maine there have been 2 elderly people who have died WITH Chinese virus in the past 2 weeks. 0 deaths in a week.
    What does General Mills do? Expands her mask mandate to the entire state and threatens businesses that allow anyone in without a mask.

    There is a mask protest in Augusta outside of the state CDC today.

    Maybe finally more people will frigging grow a spine and stop wiping themselves only when the government tells them they can.


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