Joe Biden is a horrible grandpa – IOTW Report

Joe Biden is a horrible grandpa

Joe Biden Still Not Sure Won’t Admit How Many Grandchildren He Has.

Refuses to acknowledge existence of Hunter Biden’s love child with stripper, despite definitive results of court-ordered DNA test. MORE

10 Comments on Joe Biden is a horrible grandpa

  1. …well, he knows about ONE anyway, seemingly in the Biblical sense, the one he kissed on the mouth onstage that he’s apparently molested so many times that she started to automatically raise her skirt to him in front of God and everybody because it’s so ingrained…

    …you can see the skirt raise here. They seem to have gotten all the copies of the video, which is good for them because it’s MUCH more obvious there.

    …if you work with abused kids, it’s the kind of “tell” you’re taught to look for. It suggest that abuse is so common and has so little hope of otherwise ending that she’s just learned that the quickest way out is give him what he wants, since resistance is truly useless. This is a learned behavior that could indicate something that’s gone on for YEARS.

    …so,yeah, with you all DAY on “Horrible Grandpa”, and raise you to “probable horrible incestuous molester grandpa” based on this, and SO much more besides…

  2. He’s a retarded fucking pervert.
    That doesn’t stop with grand children.
    I’m pretty sure he’s always huggin, squeezin, and sniffin em … after sittin em on his lap … till they’re about 20 …

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. The mother of Humper’s illegitimate child is going to get more money from the Obidens in child support than she would have without some good legal work. Her lawyers subpoenaed all of Humper’s financial records and tax returns, and he settled with a large sum of easily earned foreign bribery money before that big Russian payment would have been disclosed.


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