Vanilla Joe releases a Rap Ad – IOTW Report

Vanilla Joe releases a Rap Ad

…because Despacito wasn’t cringy enough.

If Biden/Harris had a strong, solid message, this kind of pandering would be entirely unnecessary.

But they don’t, yo.

11 Comments on Vanilla Joe releases a Rap Ad

  1. Um, maybe I don’t understand the point of or speak rap battle, but it sounded more like a Trump ad to me. Trump was doing but Trust us Biden has a plan. And I learned early in life from Linus and the Great Pumpkin it should never be “if”…

  2. “Vanilla Joe” eh? More like “Benefiber Joe”. Or does “Kaopectate Joe” roll off the tongue easier (so to speak).

    What probably happened is one of Joey’s keepers said, “Joe, here’s the deal. Ya gotta beat this rap.”

  3. “…Why is it politicians insist on treating blacks like they’re nothing more than 2-Dimensional stereotypes?…”

    Ummm, maybe because Notorious J.O.E.’s base IS that shallow and vapid and self-absorbed.

  4. To quote Tulsi, “ She [Harris] put over 1.500 people in jail for marijuana violations and then laughed about it when asked if she’d ever smoked marijuana. She blocked evidence that would have freed a man from death row until the courts forced her to do so. She kept people in prison beyond their sentences to use them as cheap labor for the state of California and she fought to keep cash bail systems in place that affect poor people in the worst kind of way.”

    How about that, my serious rapping gents? That Kamala lady sounds pretty bent. Instead of talking about firing maybe you should reconsider who you plan on hiring. And no, I won’t even bother with Joe, He’s day one and done, if you must know.


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