Biden Team Is Now Furiously Backpedaling Over NYP Story About Hunter – IOTW Report

Biden Team Is Now Furiously Backpedaling Over NYP Story About Hunter


Twitter and Facebook are getting blasted today because of trying to suppress the NY Post story about Hunter Biden’s emails.

Twitter not only blocked the NY Post from spreading their own story, they’ve even locked out people like the White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany for sharing the story.

[…] The initial response of Biden’s team claimed they had checked Joe Biden’s official calendar and denied there ever was such a meeting because it was not on the calendar. But given the nature of the meeting, who would put such a potentially “quid pro quo” meeting on an official calendar?

But they didn’t dispute that the emails were Hunter’s and it was very clear there were Hunter’s pictures and videos that also were on the hard drive.

But the Biden team must know that they’re in trouble on this because now they are trying to hedge their bets, perhaps in case there are actual photos or recordings of the meeting. Now they’re not ruling out there might have been an “informal interaction” with the Burisma advisor but said any meeting would have been “cursory.” MORE

29 Comments on Biden Team Is Now Furiously Backpedaling Over NYP Story About Hunter

  1. This is serious.
    CNN is reporting that Barky is going to hit the Campaign trail for Biden.
    They look orgasmic.

    Wait till Trump rips into this latest development. Should be very funny!

  2. So fb and twitter have completely gone from public platform to publisher. Deciding what stories from news sites can and can’t be seen makes them publishers complete with editors.
    Now they open up themselves to lawsuits and regulations.

  3. Let the games begin! I think the democRAT party is finally starting to fracture over all this. It’s just too big to keep it all together. There are democrats and media who will only go so far and then draw a line and start bailing. Hunter is being hunted, the Øbamboozler, who is supposed to be campaining for Jackass Joe, is nowhere to be found and Bela Pelosi is chastising her pet “news” media for questioning her, an appology from Jack Dorsey, sucking in the enabling Social Media that just can’t suck enough… This is just starting to get good!

  4. Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch’s infamous meeting on the tarmac was also “cursory”. And you can be damned sure it wasn’t on anybody’s calendar, either. And don’t try to tell me that Vadym Pozharskyi and VP Biden talked about the grandchildren. Joe doesn’t even know how many he has.

  5. After reading numerous articles about the Biden Camp’s response to the “Hunter Bombshell” ( which it now appears Rudy had the hard drive in his possession when he said he “had the goods on Biden” this spring / summer before going to the Ukraine to verify what was on the hard drive ), the Biden Campaign is now misdirecting like spraying bullets from a Gatling Gun into a hillside ( remember how old Joe is ) to bury things in hopes at least keeping their Candidate out of jail at least until after the election.

  6. You can’t criticize Joe’s health. He can backpedal faster than Lance Armstrong.

    Never talked about Burisma on hundreds of flights with my dopehead son.
    Never threatened anybody to drop the investigation into Burisma.
    Buseezma? Gesundheit!

    Emails and tapes conversations emerge:

    Oh, you meant *that* Burisma Holdings.

  7. This government is rotten to the core. Every institution is rotten. They exist to serve the powerful. The only justice is just-us for our rich and powerful Overlords.

    Seeing images(numerous) of the FBI taking a knee should tell you everymotherfucking thing you need to know.

    It’s no wonder all of these scum worked overtime to prevent and then derail President Trump. He knows these scum are out for his hide and he talks a good game in his rallies-last night’s first 5 minutes in Iowa is a great example-but the hammer should have been brought down on the likes of Brennen a long time ago.

  8. IF Social Media Companies want to be Clearly OPENLY be bias and Political. Then have each register as a Political Press/Media outlet, void all claims of Freedom of Speech for the Press and their Constitutional court protections. Require them to report all E-time as a campaign contribution @ X $$$ per hr. and be CAPPED by Campaign finance law limits.

    Twit, FB and etc.. are worth Billions the lawyers would love to nibble a few $$ Million off for each case for 1st Amendment BOR Civil Rights violation.

  9. Anonymous, it won’t likely change a Biden vote to a Trump vote, but two Biden voters in my office have decided it’s not worth the trouble to go out and vote for Biden on this final straw news since “he’s just another lying a-hole politician just like Trump”. In our mostly red state that’s great news for the presidential popular vote and our down ballot elections.

  10. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if Joe and Hoover rolled over on the Clinton/0bama Crime


    They’re looking into whether FB and Twitter contributed to Joe’s Campaign…

    Which would make the blocking a Major Crime.

  11. The saddest part is that our supposedly great justice system stood down on actually doing an honest investigation from the get go. And failed the American people while protecting criminals. Why are we paying them????

  12. Reading how a share of the Biden loot was reserved for Pop Biden, so he could wet his beak, reminds me of the scenes in the movie, ‘Casino’, where a percentage of money from the Las Vegas criminal scams were set aside to be sent to the mob bosses back east in NY.

    Mob boss Vincent Gigante, also feigned mental illness for decades to camouflage his position as an influential Mafia boss. Joe Pop Biden apparently liked his method so much he copied it. Well, Joe frequently engages in plagiarism. In principle using stolen written material and using stolen criminal methods is the same thing.


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