Leftists Slam Rapper Ice Cube After They Find Out He Helped Craft Trump’s Platinum Plan – IOTW Report

Leftists Slam Rapper Ice Cube After They Find Out He Helped Craft Trump’s Platinum Plan


Progressives on Twitter had a collective meltdown when Katrina Pierson, a senior advisor to President Trump’s campaign, publicly thanked rapper and actor Ice Cube, whose real name is O’Shea Jackson, for his contribution to President Trump’s Platinum Plan, which is designed to promote economic growth in the black community. The artist, who has been a vocal critic of the president, has come under fire for giving his input on the plan even though he was rebuffed by the former Vice President Joe Biden’s team. 

On Tuesday, Pierson posted a tweet acknowledging Ice Cube’s role in shaping the plan. “Shoutout to @IceCube for his willingness to step up and work with @realdonaldtrump administration to help develop the #PlatinumPlan,” she tweeted.  MORE

19 Comments on Leftists Slam Rapper Ice Cube After They Find Out He Helped Craft Trump’s Platinum Plan

  1. I saw a video he released a few months ago calling out dems for never doing anything for the black community. Good for him trying something new. It is going to be interesting to see the black vote this year.

  2. Apparently he went to the Dems and they told him “We’ll deal with it after the election”
    He went to the Trump staff and they changed plans right then and there.
    Hey, Ice, welcome to Trump, the guy who gets things done!

  3. Did anyone else notice that nearly all of the people criticizing him are white? It’s the modern equivalent of calling out the dogs when there’s an escape from the plantation.

  4. “GOP failure to reach out or engage the black community …” We’ve heard that shit for years. But when a black tries to help their community by talking to the GOP, they get treated like this guy did. So tell me again who’s at fault ?

  5. Ice Cube will spit on him after he gets what he wants.

    He’s written songs for the last 34 years calling white people, and Republicans specifically, every name in the book.

    You’re talking about the guy who literally wrote “Fuck The Police”.

    And if he only helps Ice Cube, then he’ll be called a solid supremacist hydro-nazi. Discriminating against lesser states of matter such as liquid, gas or plasma.

  6. He’s a piece of shit. But if it throws some people over to vote for Trump, fine. Cube is as annoying as Kanye.

    This will hurt Cube far more than anyone else, no matter what he thinks he’s going to get out of it.

  7. Further proof that all the left cares about is power. They don’t really care about helping black people, they only care about appearing to help black people so they can get their votes and amass power.

  8. This is what happens when leftists in a bubble are sheltered from unpleasant news by their media, and they have to find out the truth by accident from a conservative after it is too late to do anything but wail and gnash their teeth.


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