Idiot Biden says Pennsylvania plant ‘thinking of shutting down,’ company responds ‘this statement is untrue’ – IOTW Report

Idiot Biden says Pennsylvania plant ‘thinking of shutting down,’ company responds ‘this statement is untrue’

FOX: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden during a campaign stop in Pennsylvania over the weekend incorrectly said that a plant in the city was considering closing its doors, prompting the company to issue a response to calm workers’ fears, Erie News Now reported Tuesday. 

Biden, during an interview with the local channel, was touting his support for high-speed rail and the “tens of thousands of good-paying jobs” he said could be created in support of robust high-speed rail in the U.S. While making that point, however, Biden caused fear among some workers at a major local employer.  more here

16 Comments on Idiot Biden says Pennsylvania plant ‘thinking of shutting down,’ company responds ‘this statement is untrue’

  1. “prompting the company to issue a response to calm workers’ fears”

    What about impacting their orders and screwing with their customer base? Pretty damn irresponsible. But then again that’s what him and the Obamanation were always good at. Wrecking good commerce. I hope they sue his ass.

  2. Biden is not one to keep secrets so I wouldn’t be surprised if some idiots at, or connected with, Wabtec told Biden something in confidence in hopes of endearing themselves to him, as fawning sycophants are wont to do.

    My ex-brother-in-law (not the same one referred to in a comment to another post) has an uncle who was site manager at a chemical plant. The uncle was tasked with preparing the plant for closure, while maintaining productivity levels right up to the last day. That meant lying convincingly to the workers.

    He was so good, no one knew anything was coming until they showed up to work one day and found the gates locked with a note notifying them the plant was closed permanently and they were laid off. He was relocated to another state (moved out the night of closing), for his and his family’s safety, and given a substantial bonus.

  3. I’m with ACParker on this one. The article did say they laid off about 300 employees. I read a linked article that said the layoffs, which took place in Q3, were permanent. Supposedly the market is declining due to Covid.

  4. ” The article did say they laid off about 300 employees”

    There’s a biz right around the corner from us that specializes in hydraulic pumps for diesel locomotives. I’m sure the supply to the outfit Old Joe was referring to. I don’t know anything about that market but they are constantly laying off and then three months later trying to hire. Seems kinda feast or famine. And their payment terms are 90 days. Screw that.

  5. I don’t think there’d be many businesses that would broadcast their plans to shut down in advance, unless they’re out of their minds?
    Why? Because a lot of people stop applying themselves and spend their time either stealing stuff or the honest ones plan on where to go the next day.

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