Trump FCC Will Issue New Rule on Section 230 After Facebook, Twitter Crack Down on Hunter Biden Story – IOTW Report

Trump FCC Will Issue New Rule on Section 230 After Facebook, Twitter Crack Down on Hunter Biden Story

PJM-On Thursday, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) Chairman Ajit Pai announced that the commission would issue a new rule clarifying Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act after Facebook and Twitter took unprecedented steps to hide a New York Post story about Hunter Biden. President Donald Trump called for a repeal of Section 230, which grants internet companies limited protection from liability for third-party content. Members of Congress and Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas have questioned the current interpretation of Section 230.

Pai rightly noted that it remains unclear exactly how Section 230 applies to Facebook and Twitter, especially in regards to the New York Post story.

“As elected officials consider whether to change the law, the question remains: What does Section 230 currently mean?” the FCC chairman asked. “Many advance an overly broad interpretation that in some cases shields social media companies from consumer protection laws in a way that has no basis in the text of Section 230.”

“The Commission’s General Counsel has informed me that the FCC has the legal authority to interpret Section 230,” Pai explained. “Consistent with this advice I intend to move forward with a rulemaking to clarify its meaning.” read more

10 Comments on Trump FCC Will Issue New Rule on Section 230 After Facebook, Twitter Crack Down on Hunter Biden Story

  1. I’m all for that. But why are conservatives to fucking stupid to move to Parlor or Gab or whatever in mass. Do you have any idea what the financial impact would be on that little wanna be Jesus that run Twitter. Or even Face Book for that matter. In reality we empower our enemies. Freaken stupid.

  2. I’m not holding my breath on a reinterpretation of their so called ‘regulations.’

    “…FCC has the legal authority to interpret Section 230…”

    There should be no ‘legal authority’ to make law outside of Congress, THE law-making body of our Federal Government.

    Laura Loomer has recently summed-up the problem. It’s the GOP and Congress, as usual.

    Screw the GOP. Screw bureaucracies with “legal authority” to change ‘regulations.’ It’s at the heart of more corruption than we can measure.

    I’m done.

  3. Conservatives should just invest in their own platforms (digitally seceding) or move to one that is complimentary to their ideology.

    Why doesn’t Trump make his own notification app, then he can post whatever he wants.

  4. I am sure that the billions they spread around the halls of congress has NOTHING to do with the “interpretation” of a regulatory ruling that has NEVER been updated to include social media.

    How about they break out the “BIG GUNS” and have the FCC revoke their broadcast license until such time the regulation gets “clarified”?

    They could even fine these big tech companies for EVERY violation and quickly run them out of business or do what they did to Ma Bell back in the day so that smaller, less known social media sites could step up and take their place.

    The only reason nothing is done is because the Big Tech companies have billions worth of blood money to give to line the pockets of politicians and regulators to make things go their way…. everyone knows it yet nothing is done about it.

    More “Just-Us” in amerikka on display for all to see and they got all the payola they need to keep things going their way for a long time to come.

  5. Declare them “Common Carriers” and be done with it.

    If they censor make them liable.
    If they refuse service make them liable.
    If they disparagingly shake their heads make them liable.
    Make their officers personally liable.
    If they protest shut them down until all litigation is concluded.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Its past time for social media users to walk/run away from politically biased platforms they identify. Money talks BS walks. The people being hurt and doing nothing about it are the same ones who vote for the same bums again and again. Taking the same road over and over will take you to the same place – no where new.

  7. Declare them publishers and let the Ambulance Chasers take care of the rest. Then follow the money to the politicians they paid off, and hammer their asses for FEC violations.

  8. Twitter and Facebook are playing the same short game that the CIA and FBI played in 2016. “When Clinton wins we’re home safe because Trump can’t win.” Only now it’s Facebook and Twitter supporting Biden over Trump. In the longer term, they may find that they’re cutting off their noses to spite their face.

    And Dorsey didn’t apologize for Twitter’s appearing of taking sides. He only apologized for them doing it without context.

    Time to remove the Section 230 protections from both platforms and seriously look into whether they hold monopoly control over the social media industrial complex.

  9. Unless a conservative can convince his/her entire family and friend pool to dump the more popular social media companies and move to Parlor and Gab, the whole reason for having either falls away. And not everyone in a family or group of friends wants to move. It is what it is. I do have FB with three “frends”, all family members, to merely get to photos…and no twitter account. If I cannot share through email or phone, I’m ok with not connecting. Social media sites aren’t social, they’re statuses.

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