The New York Post story and the “Streisand Effect” – IOTW Report

The New York Post story and the “Streisand Effect”

Patriot Retort:

The explosion caused by yesterday’s exclusive New York Post story on Hunter Biden’s errant laptop was of the thermonuclear variety. Holy moly, it set off a chain of events that is causing widespread damage far more just the Biden candidacy.

And all because the sunken-chested Leftists at Twitter and Facebook decided to suppress the story.

Anyone attempting to share via the Twitter share button at the New York Post was prevented from doing so. You received this message….more

11 Comments on The New York Post story and the “Streisand Effect”

  1. The geek that had presence of mind enough to burn a copy of that disc drive for himself deserves one of them Medals o’ Freedom when (if) this shitstorm blows over.

  2. “Leak” Hunter Biden smoking crack and banging some chick to Wikileaks, and then just shrug your shoulders, “I have no idea who may have leaked this….”

    If it were a Republican, it would have been leaked 1000x by now. Play the game dirty, you stupid Republicans!

  3. So.
    Is there an honorable agent in the FBI who punted this story?
    Juan Williams says this story stinks of co-incidence and convenience, which it does, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t factual. Like Joey Biden bragging about firing the Prosecutor or Obola mentioning “my [Obola’s] moslem faith” sometimes people just can’t shut the fuck up.

    It is a great article – and a sad comment on America.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. Speaking of Streisand, I always thought she was homely and screamed instead of singing, and that people only liked her because (like Michelle) she was forcibly foisted on us.


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