Giuliani: You’ve Only Seen 5% of What’s on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive – IOTW Report

Giuliani: You’ve Only Seen 5% of What’s on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive

Townhall: Former New York City mayor, Trump campaign advisor and former U.S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani is warning Americans they haven’t seen anything yet when it comes to the corruption of the Biden family. 

“I have the entire hard drive and the New York Post has only published about five percent of it,” Giuliani said. “The New York Post has at least two more situations even more serious than this. The real big time money corruption takes place with the Chinese Communist Party. In essence we have a man trying to be President of the United States whose family has been in business for a number of years with the Chinese communist government and high level Chinese communists. If we’re stupid enough to do that. China was setting Joe up for years and they have his son by the you know what and they’ve given them plenty of money and coincidentally Joe has caved into China in ever negotiation he’s ever had and he’s the only man in the world who says China is not a threat to us or a competitor. I guess if your family got $30 or $40 million from China, if you were corrupt, I guess you’d say that.”  read more

25 Comments on Giuliani: You’ve Only Seen 5% of What’s on Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive

  1. I guess the thing that upsets me the most is that nobody on the left seems to care. They just hate Trump that much. Most of them admit things are pretty good under Trump, but they just don’t like him. They don’t like his Tweets, his “un-presidential” manner, or some such nonsense. Stupid people. We’ll see where this story goes, but I’m not going to get too excited. Certainly don’t expect the garbage news media to press the issue.

  2. If democrats weren’t stupid emotional voters we’d never have had to tolerate Obama. That and one issue voters {think abortion} and we have edge of your seat elections like this one.
    If any real thought was given to the consequences of a vote then they wouldn’t be so easily manipulated by stooges like Fredo and the black faggot.

  3. What a f***ing idiot. I’ll bet he had malware from his favorite porn sites and was too stoned and lazy, when all he had to do was run a few anti-malware programs and look on Youtube for any other issues and how to fix them. When Limewire was up and running, I learned a lot about malware when all I wanted to do is “borrow” a song or two or a hundred.

  4. @Irate Nate, the same people who don’t like Trump for the reasons you mentioned is the exact reason why he was elected. The man hasn’t changed one bit. Which is why when the MSM drags out “voted for Trump in 2016/Leaning Biden” as their resume for the Town Hall, it’s a bunch of B.S. You don’t support the man for what he’s going to do and then turn around to support a lunatic because Trump actually did what he said he was going to do. Unless these goons are hard core leftists, in which case they should have voted for evil Hillary. No one can move that far left in 4 years and actually think it’s better.

  5. I forget who said it, but this is true: When a Republican has a scandal, the scandal is the story. When a Democrat has a scandal, the Republican reaction to it is the story. (ie, pouncing & seizing)

    And that’s exactly what is happening with the Biden Empire scandal. Yesterday, it was reported on the radio that the NY Post had “made allegations which have allowed Republicans to bring up an old line of attack against Joe Biden”. That was it. nothing more.

    I don’t know how high the media can build the wall of sandbags against this, but they only need to do it for two weeks, and if it
    the story just trickles out from the NY Post at 5% a day, they will probably be able to mitigate the damage successfully. I couldn’t believe it last week when I heard that Biden supporter emphatically state that Biden had never made the infamous “you ain’t black” comment, but now I have to believe he’s quite representative of the ignorant Dem bloc which has been so successfully created by the media.

    If the media can shift the Biden Empire scandal focus to “so sad for Joe about Hunter’s personal problems”, and away from the boring money stuff (which they will no doubt paint as “technically not illegal” if pressed) then Joe will weather this storm. We shouldn’t expect any of this to be mentioned in the next debate, unless Trump manages to get in a line or two. And that’s assuming there is a next debate, after this bombshell. Old, frail, corrupt Joe gets harder to prop up every day, but they only have to do it for two more weeks of lids.

  6. It looks like The New York Post learned a little from Andrew Breitbart – start with an intriguing portion to gain interest in the subject and have your enemies jump all over it to refute. Then release the really damaging stuff AFTER they used up their arsenal.
    Remember ACORN?

  7. It’s terrible but step into a ring of hell and visit some leftie sites.

    Yesterday at CommonDreams they ran a piece on why Biden should be elected. I’ll note of maybe 30 articles and columns they featured, not one mentioned Joe or Hunter’s ties to China or the NY Post revelations.

    I commented why would you want to elect a President that could easily be blackmailed or at the least, has obviously been paid huge sums of money by communists?

    Normally it takes the mods there about a full day to find any comments I make and delete everything.

    In the hour!! or so my comment remained viewable, and there were maybe a couple dozen comments made after mine, NO ONE answered my question…or even mentioned it.

    The fact is this latest damning proof still will not move the needle either way. On the outside of the edge of the margins, maybe a few souls have reconsidered but the vast majority of the electorate have made up their minds.

    Undecided is bullshit.

  8. This is a great legal tactic. Let the Obiden campaign deny the contents of the emails with firm, strong denials. Then produce another email that contradicts the earlier denial. Catch them lying twice. Apparently, Humper and his “guy” don’t have access to the contents of the laptops, but most of them are going to be meaningless, embarrassing, personal emails filled with bitter resentment and depravity. The man’s a dope and a dope addict.

  9. Someone needs to tell Giuliani that if he wants to affect the outcome of this election he needs to get this show on the road. Half the country is already voting and he’s playing games with evidence.

  10. @ joe6pak,

    Joe, nothing about this will affect enough votes to matter at all. There could be movies of Joe Biden shoving puppies into a garbage disposal and they’ll still vote against Trump.

  11. Lowell, you’re likely right. I’m just sick and tired of our side holding on to evidence like they’re trying to build suspense for a teevee show. What about Pompeo saying he has hilary’s emails and will likely release them before Election Day. The election is already happening! The thing is these guys aren’t on the side of America, they are on their own selfish side.

  12. I dunno. My early morning gym crowd includes about 6 “educators”. I don’t know their political leanings, but historically teachers are ultra liberal. Hunter Biden was the topic of their discussion today. So despite social medias best attempt to keep this secret it does appear to be getting out.

  13. The FBI coverup of all democrat filth is more of a story than Bidens being scumbags.

    When Trumps wins…. may he bulldoze Barr, Comey, Wray, Ohr, Strozk and the rest into an open grave and then plow salt over it!


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