China’s Turning Point – IOTW Report

China’s Turning Point

China appears to be on the brink.

FrontpageMag: The communist regime is threatening our ally, Taiwan — one of several Asian countries seeking closer ties with the United States while China’s domestic turmoil grows.

In a recent column in China’s state-sponsored Global Times, editor-in-chief Hu Xijin warned, “As the secessionist forces’ arrogance continues to swell, the historical turning point is getting closer.”

“The only way forward is for the mainland to fully prepare itself for war and to give Taiwan secessionist forces a decisive punishment at any time,” he wrote.

Taiwan’s opposition party has been seeking closer cooperation with the United States. But, Hu wrote: “The more trouble Taiwan creates, the sooner the mainland will decide to teach Taiwan independence forces a hard lesson.”

China has been angered by the ongoing tour of Asia by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who is seeking support for U.S. efforts to contain China. Recently, the Taiwanese Kuomintang Party, or KMT, renewed its effort for the government to reestablish diplomatic ties with the U.S.

The Chinese are short on food, and face considerable flooding. If one or another dam overflows, major catastrophe could ensue.

Even without such a huge disaster, China faces a grim future. Chin Jin, one of the leaders of the opposition to the ruling Communist Party reminds his followers of the country’s unpleasant past:

The future of China has three prospects:

17 Comments on China’s Turning Point

  1. Steve Bannon. Been talking about these commies for years now.

    Watch the bull in the CHINA SHOP as they say. He got fucked with and is unleashed.

    This is the turning point of CHI-NA and the Bidens via Rudy and the NY Post.

    FULL EXPOSURE coming not even Ukraine small stuff.

  2. I watched China destroy the Semi Conductor Capital equipment market in the 90’s. With our governments blessing and permission. Hell, they facilitied it. Now we have a Patriot in the White House that not only has a Magic Wand, he knows how to use it. Trumps costing a lot of traitors a lot of money. Our money. Vivid was a passive attack on the United States by the ChiComs and the Globalists. Look at the timing. There are no coincidences. Trump knows this. He’s more than eluded to it. The trick is drive them broke before they can start a war. Their leader, what’s his Xing, was recently on ChiCom propaganda TV and was coughing so badly they had to stop the broadcast. Hopefully he poisoned himself. Who the fuck eats bats?

  3. Xi Jinping and the CCP are already losing it over American influence in China and Trump’s crackdown on Chinese spies at American universities:

    And then there’s the Hong Kong and Taiwan dilemmas.

    Paranoia seems to be infecting Chinese leadership much like it did in Japan prior to WWII. Not good. They’re nuttier than 75 year-old fruitcake!

  4. Unless the Democrats get in and throw them a huge lifeline like gifting them even more manufacturing, allowing them to steal more intellectual property, and capitulating to their political aspirations.

    The best thing is to get them into a muti-factional civil war where they shoot each other. ie. Iran vs. Iraq, just don’t let one side get too much of an upper hand.

    Fuck Em!

  5. The U.S. isn’t the only country today who has turned off the giant spigot of money to China. Chinese financial schemes all over the world are suffering, thanks to POTUS Trump, and wise countries are seeing China through a new lens.

    Whatever is going to happen will probably happen sooner and more swiftly than anyone expects. If it’s war, I guess we’ll all see where the Left Coast, especially CA, stands. “Hey! You want socialism now?!”

  6. Kicking them out of the WTO and access to the international banking system needs to be put on the table.

    They have been stirring the pot against everyone. A United front keeps it from looking like the US is being unfair to poor little China.

    FFS, they got added to the UN Human Rights Council last week (along with Russia and Cuba).

  7. I had a Chinese national working for me one time.
    Smart guy. Probably a spy. Always happy.
    Until I brought up Taiwan one time.
    He became deadly serious.
    “We will NEVER surrender Taiwan…”
    Scary shit. Very revealing.


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