Does anyone use DuckDuckGo ? – IOTW Report

Does anyone use DuckDuckGo ?

Why DuckDuckGo Is Not a Solution to the Google Monopoly

This partially emerges from the lively discussion that’s been going on in the comments for today’s article, Conservatives Must Fight Big Tech or Lose, but also from conservatives touting DuckDuckGo.

I use DuckDuckGo myself or one of the similar alternatives. But there’s a right reason and a wrong reason to use it. The right reason to use DDG is privacy. But it’s not an alternative to Google because while DDG has its own crawler, DuckDuckBot, its results mostly rely on Google, Bing, and a few specialized search engines. 

Using DuckDuckGo and claiming that you’re not using Google anymore is like watching a pirated CNN broadcast and claiming you’re not dependent on the media.  more here

52 Comments on Does anyone use DuckDuckGo ?

  1. I use it because they claim they don’t log my searches, not because they’re not Google. In other words, for privacy. Plus, I’ve always known that they use other engines in their service.

    BTW, you’d be amazed what Google logs if you have an email account with them and allow their scripts to run in your browser. If you do, they’re tracking everything you do – look it up for yourself as they provide access to it.

  2. I prefer Bing, but it’s been so slow to change lately, & half the results aren’t even visible (could be a Firefox thing, too), that I recently switched to DuckDuckGo. It gives me ALL the results… just, HALF, what Bing would give me. 😳

  3. I make certain that my Norton VPN is enabled EACH time I (still) use Google. It still gives the best results as long as you know not to rely on it for political searches and bear in mind their bias. One can find things there that the others just don’t. I just make sure to be smart about my own filtering.

  4. I feel trapped like there’s no way out… a bug under a microscope. To resist is futile and will only increase the pain.

    There’s nowhere to run….nowhere to hide.

    I will either have to submit to the commies or shoot my way out.

    …..Give me that ammo…..NOW.

  5. I use the duck for the reasons everyone else is listing. It did surprise me when most of the results for my search on Toxic Masculinity were negative. I still will use it, but change my wording now and then if I just get one type of result.

  6. some have suggested to use TOR or Yandex, which is a russian site (but it get’s better results than biased Goolag)

    there are no perfect search engines (if you find one, please let the rest of us know) … Goolag’s algorithm is biased to a huge fault, Bing locks into an annoying theme way too many times. & I rarely use my Android phone for much more than phone, text & checking the weather. I usually used DDG because, like others have noted, it does not track your searches … period!

    I don’t use it as a ‘solution to the Google monopoly’ …. that’s not up to me … the internet’s a tool to me, nothing more

  7. I use DDG for most simple look up things now, except for maps.

    Problem is, Goolag runs DEEP with some necessary research that NEEDS to be done.

    You just have to be weary when going or visiting a Goolag provided…site.

    And not necessarily trust the first one provided to you as being the best one per THEIR algorithmn.

  8. Had it for use along with Startpage. Once the googs devils bought it I dumped it like a poisonous snake.
    Startpage taps into google but does not link you to it and
    keeps you out of the spycroscope.
    Who in the hell would trust that G bunch?

  9. Toxic Masculinity will always come up as negative, because it’s a non sequitur. A made up feminist concept. We need to stop using these meaningless words and quit arguing our ideas with their terminology. Every word is a murderous lie.
    If I hear people talk about being true feminists and only wanting women to be able to have career choices, I think I will hurl. Feminism has never been about equal employment opportunities. It is now, and always has been about destroying marriage, motherhood, and fatherhood, and state control of your surviving children.
    Men and women are complementary, children are a gift to a married man and a woman. The family unit is about maintaining civilization. Educating a child is the sole responsibility of mothers and fathers. Where a family may fall apart, extended family takes care, steps in to help.
    Sex isn’t love apart from marriage, and sex is always and forever about mommies, daddies and babies.
    When you stop using their perverse language you’ll engender more hatred, but you’ll be clearer in you arguments.

  10. After more than 2 decades of using search engines, I have stopped using them entirely. Turns out most everything on the interwebs has become fake news, and I don’t need any tips on how to put on makeup or how to get my hair did.

  11. If you using Windows 10, it doesn’t matter, Microsoft is still tracking what you do. You can use O&O Shutup, and block a lot of the telemetry and tracking. Windows 10 took the “P” out of PC (personal computer). Also Windows 10 doesn’t just update, it completely re-installs, so any changes you have made, it will wipe out. If you are using an older computer that updated to 10, it will wipe out drivers for older hardware, so they have to be re-installed. May help explain some computer problems.
    If you use Bing, go to London street view. Bing will run facial recognition on people and identify clothing.
    Google Chrome won’t let you block tracking, or at least I’ve never found it.
    Firefox with Adblock Plus installed. Ads can be allowed on sites you like.
    And Yes, I use Duck 99% of the time. Google still have a great map.

  12. I learned tcp/ip back in 1986, fully 6 years before the web browser… I keep DDG as my primary search engine. The results generally suck, but are the foundation of the next search refinement. I expect to require more than one search. I go back to Google when I hit the wall. It’s getting better… Sadly, it’s nowhere near parity…

  13. I’ve been using DDG for several years along with Ad Block Plus installed on it. On the occasional site where you can’t see the page unless you allow ads, you can click on the ABP icon, select to allow ads only on that page, then click Refresh, which allows you to see the page with almost all of the ads still blocked. I’ll also use & for searches. Dogpile has tabs you can select specifically for web, images, videos, news, & shopping. I also have 2 DDG windows open at the same time & have the left side of one & the right side of the other slid over about 1-1/2 inches so I can just move the cursor far left or far right to toggle between them. I have sometimes over 20 tabs open on each window without either one crashing to keep from having to type sites I follow on a daily basis. This also helps when comparing similar items / different brands & prices on items without having to write things down on “Cheat Sheets”.

  14. Been trying to use Linux Mint with Startpage. While you don’t get all the Microshaft functionality, it’s open source and no need for 20 different antivirus suites. Also been using Waterfox, a version of Firefox with Ghostery and Adblock plus.

  15. Google is downright creepy and not just their online bs. We have a Google plant, facility, whatever the hell it is because they are so secret that nobody knows what the hell goes on there or exactly what it is. What we do know is normal people go to work there and within a year they turn into crazy leftists, but don’t ask them what they do there because they clam up and act like you just told them you’re going to shoot them in the head.
    Even service people who go in to do work there say they’re told they must sign an agreement to not speak of anything they see or hear. They laugh about it because they say they see or hear nothing, they take them to the area they are to work in and they’ve removed all the people from that area and if you venture out of that area you’re immediately stopped and told to turn around.

    The most I’ve ever gotten anyone to tell me that has went to work there was a guy that had been working for a few months and he said they have numerous breaks, a safe room if they feel overwhelmed and are paid to do almost no work. Now he’s been there over a year and he says nothing about it, but he’s nuts now, loves Bernie, destroyed his gun because he didn’t want anyone to have it. He’s literally a totally opposite person, almost like the damn Stepford wives opposite. The google zombies is enough for me to believe Google is evil.

  16. i used ddg and Brave browser and I have few ads. (Brave also has a built in VPN). I kinda knew DDG used google but didnt know how much. I thought they used multiple search engines somehow. I’ll try startpage. been wanting to anyway.


    these below are all the extensions you need for any modern browser
    or just use Brave portable

    or Tor Browser in your language

    -Firefox – extensions
    Audio Equalizer
    uBlock Origin
    Privacy Badger
    HTTPS Everywhere
    Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
    CSS Exfil Protection
    No Coin – Block miners on the web!

    -MS Edge Chromium – extensions
    Audio Equalizer
    uBlock Origin
    Privacy Badger
    HTTPS Everywhere
    Ghostery – Privacy Ad Blocker
    TMDM – The Missing Download Menu

    -from other sources
    CSS Exfil Protection
    Country Flags & IP Whois
    IP Address and Domain Information
    NoMiner – Block Coin Miners

  18. just as i entered the above, my pc crashed again. STOPCODE. Blue screen. About 8 or more times in 2 weeks. crappity. I just read the fix, double crappity. Over my head so its into the shop.

  19. POLICE

    “We linked them to the crime because we took their computer and found their search results for “how to kill your husband.”


    They don’t need your computer for that, as you can clear it of those searches. They linked the PERMANENT log of Google to your I.P. address and found the search “how to kill your husband.”

    You still believe anything the police tell you?

  20. @Inigo Montoya- Just Use the Vivaldi Browser. It has most of the extension capabilities you list built in (short of the VPN). If you are familiar with the ‘OLD Opera 12’, you’ll really like it. It’s Jon von Tetzchner’s baby too.

  21. When I go out to the net I run Firefox with DDG as the search engine. Pretty happy with the results and while DDG may not return the same results as the other, more popular engines it may be because the tables aren’t being fiddled with. The only gripe I have with DDG is the video is kind of crappy.

  22. @Diogenes
    I test allot of these for faculty where I work for the many browsers they use, this is just a list that I compile for these smarter than me people to use. take it with a grain of salt, but I never use goofball chrome as a browser unless on campus for testing. most of the time at work I just run a Qubes VM and use tor browser when I’m doing subject research. besides that, I don’t exist on the internet in any social media realms, outside of here. and AOL of course 🖥☎

  23. I haven’t a clue what this thread is about.
    Guess I’m a cave man … uhh … cave person.

    Someday I’m gonna buy a computer and one of those interwebz thingies.

    izlamo delenda est …

  24. I use the meta-data search engine dogpile, browser for speed. And ddg. If your using the web, someone is looking you over, up and down, its not private.

  25. Thkanks to Dianny I have been using t for 3 years. THANK YOU DIANNY! Danka mien Frau. Du bust mien Held.

    I use Duck Duck anti tracker/ad blocker as well.

    I am conservative and It was clear Google hid, or tried t hide, what I was wanting. Duck may not show all the lib stuff /Google does; but it does show conservative stuff they do not!

    I am in Dianny’s debt!

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